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Sounds stupid doesn’t it? I can speculate that perhaps there was also some political maneuvering in there by some seniors I pissed off along my career thus far.
I ended up in the 82nd, a place where I was not very happy. I was destroyed. My motivation was gone, and I didn’t fit in there. I wasn’t indoctrinated into constantly berating your soldiers into forced compliance, and I certainly wasn’t into the baby-sitter mentality they had there. Stare at the painted walls for hours waiting to be dismissed because something might come up. I mean in the age of cell phones you think that wouldn’t be an issue, but there were also a lot of “shammers” in the larger units as well which complicated matters for leadership.
Regardless it was proven to me through my experience with the leadership that the seniors could not be trusted with anything. They would strive to find reasons to article 15 lower enlisted to buffer their “stats” to make them look better in front of the big-wigs upstairs. I left that place with a lot of anger inside of me that I couldn’t really control. During my separation from service they attempted to down-grade my discharge to other than honorable for unstated reasons. It took my filing a complaint to get it rectified and I was never offered a reason on why they did that.
I was discharged honorably under a chapter 5-8 (Separation for the Convenience of the Government) in February 2013. After they lied to me during re-enlistment I no longer felt I could trust even my direct line supervisors, and if I couldn’t trust them CONUS (in the Continental United States), how could I trust them OCONUS (outside the CONUS)
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