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neighborhood, right? I did not want to present myself as a scared, young woman so I stuck it out.
After the divorce was final, I met a guy that I went to High School with and we started dating. He asked me to move in with him and his father and I gladly did so in order to get out of that apartment complex. I cleaned the house and gladly ironed his Dad’s clothes for him. After about four months of living together I noticed my ex-boyfriend was acting strangely. He was 6'8 and over 300 pounds so try to imagine his size. I soon became the target to release his anger and depression on. I remember being picked up and flying about three feet to land on the gravel driveway.
Unfortunately, that was not the only incident before I became brave enough to leave. During my stay, his Dad took advantage of my depression and reached out to me for physical comfort. As I was crying one night, he came in the bedroom and sat down to talk. After the talk, he bent down and kissed me. I was unsure of how to handle it so I kept quiet and tried to stay outside. His Dad would sit by me on the couch and try to make moves on me. Thankfully, the kiss was the only physical action that was taken. I moved in with my Aunt. My Aunt is the person responsible for my current marriage. After meeting Warren for the first time in late November of 2009, we were married that December, less than a full month from when we physically met. Warren was medically discharged from the Army in 2002. His career in the Army is what landed him in his current job with the Department of the Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. Two months after getting married, he was deployed as a civilian to Iraq. I was still in Arkansas at the time.
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