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Doctor Indiana Bones the Pitbull Terrier – David: Doctor Indiana Bones was not my pet. He was my partner. For almost 11 years he was by my side, starting when I adopted him from Philadelphia Animal Control. Bones, an American Pit Bull Terrier, was my first and only Service Dog thus far. I was also his trainer. His training including but was not limited to PTSD Relief, Deep Pressure Therapy, Cover and Block, Panic Alert, and Medication Reminders. Initially he was named after Bones from Star Trek but then Indiana Bones caught on and became Doctor Indiana Bones. Bones always alerted me ahead of time to panic attacks, and blocked anyone from interacting with me as I settled down.
He also reacted to any triggers I experienced or when things bothered me by performing Deep Pressure Therapy. He gave me time to leave an area and get to safety, or excuse myself from the company or situation that I was in so that I could experience whatever it was he was alerting to and then go about my business once I’d recovered.
I have been diagnosed with PTSD, and am on medication and regular therapy for it. I personally feel that PTSD can be viewed as both a weakness and a learning tool. From the ‘weakness’ standpoint, it’s agonizing sometimes, crippling, even, and makes daily life very difficult. Now that Bones is gone, my panic attacks have come back in full force. I’m even
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