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Ollie the Chocolate Labrador and Petie the Maltese - David: I served in the U.S. Army from July 1989 through July 2000. As a Cannon Fire Direction Specialist (13E) I received calls for artillery fire from forward observers, calculated data to fire effectively, then transferred the data to the artillerymen. My assignments included: Ft. Sill, OK July 1989 — November 1989; Pinder Barracks, Germany November 1989 — August 1991; Desert Shield/Storm (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait) December 1990 — May 1991; Ft. Campbell, KY August 1991 — July 1995; Kentucky Air National Guard, Murray, KY July 1995 — July 2000 (95B — Military Police Officer).
If I ever had the opportunity and the capability to serve again I would, without a doubt. I learned so many life lessons and got to travel to some many different places. The military gave me a strong sense of self-discipline and a drive to accomplish tasks. If anyone in my family chose to serve in the military, I would support their choice.
While serving during Desert Storm, we received enemy artillery fire in Iraq. Although the rounds did not land close enough to do any damage or injure/kill anyone, the experience created a lasting effect on me. The horrors of war that I experienced scarred me forever emotionally.
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