Page 79 - TWOPTSD
P. 79
“Morning or night, I love putting mint or spearmint oil on my temples and the back of my neck. There's this aromatherapy quality of both easing tension and waking you up.” - Lily
Courtenay: I have always been attracted to certain citrus and natural scents but absolutely hate store bought perfumes not because they don't smell more 'natural' but because I get an almost instant headache as soon as I smell anyone who wears too much perfume or cologne. The headache doesn't go away after they walk by either...and I generally end up with the headache the rest of the day or until I take something to get rid of it. I enjoy the scent of lavender as well...but that scent can also be too strong so I have to be careful with that one as well.
When I was stationed at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan I didn't smell too many people with perfume or cologne but I think the reason was because the poo pond and other areas of the base smelled so bad that they overpowered the artificial scents applied by humankind. I had headaches almost non-stop the entire time I was over there, so I blame that, in part anyway, with all the questionable smells in the air. Whenever I did actually smell someone with a scent on it practically gagged me because it was so strong it was like I was getting hit by an olfactory brick wall.
All ahead full...beware the Old Spice guy...I think he bathed in it!
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