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slot at Airborne (parachute) school and an assignment in Germany with the Green Berets. I was part of Special Operations (SPECOPS) Team – Bravo (SOT-B). We worked side-by-side with the Green Berets and went on many missions with them, feeding them real-time intelligence.
Being part of a highly tactical unit was exactly why I chose to join the military. We jumped out of airplanes regularly, trained in close quarter battle (CQB) scenarios, learned how to build and detonate C4 explosives, as well as many other exciting activities. For anyone who plans to stay in the military for more than one enlistment, I encourage them to take their future by the reins and help direct the path that they want to follow. Doing so will make their time in the service more enjoyable, however, each assignment comes with its own uniquely exciting challenges.
After experiencing the many challenges of the military, I am better equipped to handle the hardships of civilian life. When compared to the stressors of the military, civilian challenges are often easily handled. Additionally, because of the structure of the military, it shaped how I live my life outside of the service. I am now more disciplined, have a rock-solid work ethic, and continue to challenge myself to reach lofty goals. Prior to enlisting, I lacked many of these characteristics. These are all traits developed during my eight years in the Army and helped to create the successful person I am today.
I believe that the military is a fantastic place to learn and grow as a person. It takes one out of their comfort zone and forces them to “grow up” fast; it raises the bar of what they previously thought they could achieve. For these reasons, I would support a family member or friend joining the military. I would certainly encourage anybody who is interested in the military to do
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