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 My life became more enriched about two years ago when Bridget came into my life. Bridget was a two-year-old Pitbull at the time we first met. She was sitting outside the front door of my workplace one morning. My co-worker whistled to her and she came running right over. She was brought into the building and everyone instantly fell in love with her. She was such a sweet, loving dog and wanted to be friends with everybody. We kept her that day while trying to find her owner, a microchip, or a collar, but there was no way of identifying her. We took her to a veterinarian to make sure she was healthy and to have her scanned for a microchip. No microchip was found. Because we had no way of reuniting her with her owner, we took her to the Humane Society. As the story goes, the owners came and picked her up, but then surrendered her again the next day. When I heard that I rushed over to the Humane Society and rescued her myself.
Bridget is now four years old and has been a wonderful addition to my life. As we’ve gotten to know each other more, we’ve grown closer and have become much more in tune. When I'm sad, she feels it and she lays by my side. When I'm happy she shares in my happiness. She is my ever-adventurous sidekick and my eternal source of joy. She is loved beyond my ability to articulate.
On December 20, 2017, something terrible happened. I returned home from work and noticed my front door and front gate were wide open. I immediately knew something was very wrong and my mind instantly went to Bridget. I entered my house, calling for her, but she did not come. I took a moment to assess the situation. Nothing in my house seemed to be missing, however, the TV had been pulled away from the wall and all of the wires were bundled up as if
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