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Keena the German Shepherd - George: My total service time in the U.S. Army as a Combat Engineer was from June 1998 to May 2004. I served in Fort Campbell from 1998-2000; Fort Carson from 2000-2002; and Giessen, Germany from 2002-2004. My deployment to Iraq was from 2003-2004. During that deployment I got hit with an RPG, a Grenade and two IEDs (four separate occasions).
When we were in Iraq we did route clearance, IEDs, reconnaissance on sniper positions, and when we found caches of mortar rounds we'd blow those up. We would search for high ranking officials who worked with Saddam. We would raid their houses, do room clearing procedures to make sure the houses were clear of insurgents, and engage in firefights when necessary. Mostly it was route clearing for the infantry guys to make sure their path was clear road wise or wherever they needed to go. We were called Alpha Assassins and worked within our squads. Each squad would do their own thing and would get their own missions. We would be attached to infantry units, and would follow them around...and if we found IEDs we would blow them up.
Once specific encounter, we got into a firefight and killed somebody who was shooting at us. His parents actually came up to us and was thanking us for stopping their son. There were people who were happy that we were there. So, they came to thank us for killing their son
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