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P. 818
Harley and Gaea the Blue Nose Pitbull's - Jamie: I served as a Cryptologic Linguist (35P) and Platoon Sergeant in the U.S. Army from October 2001 to June 2014. During that time I served in Columbia from August to December 2006, January to June 2008, January to June 2009 and January to May 2010. I also served in Afghanistan from August 2012 to April 2013.
I served so that my daughter wouldn't have to. This said, I do understand the value that the experience would add to her life. I understand that the opportunity that she has, she could apply elsewhere. I also think that the added value from her serving would actually give her a skill set that she could utilize in any career path that she chooses to take. So, I'm not in favor nor against her serving.
I did break my nose when I was stationed in Afghanistan, on two separate occasions. One of the times was during an accident at the gym and the other was an unfortunate encounter between myself and the door of an up-armored vehicle.
I would serve again in a heartbeat if I was given the chance. The feeling of purpose and the relationship with my fellow Soldiers is hard to find elsewhere. The military instilled discipline
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