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out to an activity and I’d be nervous and stand off to the side. Whenever people caught sight of Kahara they would rush over and asked if they could pet her. She would help open a conversation while helping me to feel safe at the same time.
With most of the sports I participate in you will always find Kahara close by; whether it’s running along next to my racing chair or sleeping by my shooting table. She continues to help me find the courage to be myself and try new things. In standing up for her I have learned to stand up for myself.
I believe mental health issues are the same as physical problems in that, you should seek appropriate professional care. In either situation not getting care can worsen and cause permanent damage and problems. I have undergone PTSD testing and was diagnosed with PTSD but not in the normal sense. All the fighting for proper medical care was triggering the symptoms. My mental health treatment has come from the VA, a Vet Center, and Walter Reed. But honestly, nothing really helped until we started getting my medical treatment straightened out. Everyone is affected by mental health problems at one point or another during their life. Sometimes help is needed to deal with it. Mental health issues are not an issue of weakness. I view mental health the same as any other medical issue and weakness has nothing to do with having or dealing with the condition.
I got my Service Dog Kahara as a puppy from a rescue. She was only two months old when I got her and she was a year old when she started working in the Service Dog capacity. Kahara is now (in 2019) a seven and a half year old. I trained her myself to support me as my Service Dog. I did this in part because I had nothing better to do, in part because I had all the time in the
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