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ferocious when she barked. She would grunt all the time...kind of like she had a breathing problem. That scared other people too. They didn't know that she would just go into full submissive mode if one of these people even approached her.
A little while later we got a call that they found five puppies. They were able to get rid of the Golden Labradors but the Black Labrador was still available. When we asked why they said that the puppy might have some liver and abdominal problems. Well, she never really had any serious problems...she just would get sick if she ate too fast, that sort of thing. That's pretty normal for dogs sometimes. So, we took her in and named her Madison. Unfortunately, we had to move around because of my injury; it started getting worse. Madison was really standing up to be my Service Dog. Well, while we were driving from Arizona to California, during one of our stops we took Madison for a little walk and she collapsed, and she gave a whimper and was gone in less than five minutes. We didn't know why and I of course wanted to find out so we took her to the vet and they said that they could do a scan but otherwise they wouldn't be able to tell unless they opened her up. We just had them do the scans and MRIs and they found out what happened from the MRIs. She had a microscopic hole in her heart and on that hot day she was breathing and it was aspirating her heart and it ruptured her heart and basically opened up the hole. Her heart basically couldn't pump any just became a huge vessel. It basically stopped blood to the brain, which stopped any feeling, so one minute she was running and happy and then next she was in heaven. We lost he really quick and that was really hard for me...very, very hard. My wife had noticed how Madison had been stepping up to be my Service Dog...and how protective she was of me too. We think that Madison was also noticing that I had the PTSD
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