Page 863 - TWOPTSD
P. 863

 Jazmine got to the point that she was just not wanting to play as much. She was getting older and hit the ten-year mark but Bayley still wanted to play. Well, I do Ride Recovery/Project Hero Hand-cycling Challenges and one of our friends, she does a lot of rescues for animals. She told us that she already had nine dogs and four cats of their own, but also that they were currently watching six other dogs and three other cats and that her mom had just rescued two more dogs, a boy and a girl, who were inseparable. She told us that her mom took on too much and she needed to find homes for the boy and girl dogs or they would have to go to a shelter. Well, we decided that we wanted them since they were puppies, because Bayley wanted someone to play with, and because we didn't want them ending up in a kill shelter, that we would take them both. That's how we ended up with Griffin and Riley.
Well, Riley ended up becoming a shadow for my wife. No one can ever raise their voice or raise their hand around my wife and no one can ever sneak up on my wife without Riley sneaking up on them first. You'll think my wife is home alone and as soon as you raise your voice or do anything that may be considered as sneaky or seductive, then Riley pops right up out of nowhere. You can also tell by the way she follows my wife that she must have been abused by a man. When I have a PTSD moment, like I might go into the bedroom and close the door and then vent, raising my voice. Well, Riley will come to the door and scratch at the door trying to get at me because I am in there yelling. It's like she wants to get at me and stop me from hurting anyone. Basically, the deal is that both me and Riley have PTSD. When she acts erratically it's when she is feeding off my PTSD or she's feeding off of my wife's emotional state. So, everything is really balanced out. I have Bayley, my wife has Riley and our son has Griffin.
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