Page 882 - TWOPTSD
P. 882

 The bond between Henry and I is unlike any bond that could be proved between me and another human. There is no mistaking that this creature’s purpose in life is to be with me. He provides me space from people when I am in public. Before Henry, I felt as though people were looking at me and judging me. Now, there attention is on Henry and how cute he is. He is my point man. When speaking with someone in public that I am not comfortable with, I give him the command, “Block”. This is where he stands in front of me, between me and the other person, in a perpendicular stance. He will not move, even when walked into by the other person. This allows me to “stand down” a little and be a bit more relaxed. I know that if anything happens, Henry will give me time to react. Over time, this has become a way for me to deal with my anxiety rather than suppress it. Henry gives me room in a crowd of people. Allowing me to have the space I need to protect him while he protects me. When we are out and I need to stay in one location for a bit of time, I give him the command, “Watch My Back”. This is where he turns around at my left side and sits. If someone comes up from behind me, Henry will alert me of this action and allow me to not have to look over my shoulder constantly.
Another command that was instrumental in my ongoing recovery is the “Clear the Room” command. This is where we are at a door and I am not sure of what to expect when we enter. So, given the command, Henry will nudge the door to open it, enter to the center of the room, do a 360 turn, turn the light on and then return to my side. If anyone is in the room, he will alert me to this.
Henry needs to be near me. When I am watching TV or just sitting in a chair, he will curl up beside me and place his head on my foot. It gives me comfort to know that he is there. For him,
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