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P. 889

 Nicholas is always there to comfort me when I need it, especially when I'm having a bad day. Whenever I have an MS flare-up Nicholas comes and checks on me.
Nicholas was born of Christmas of 2015 so he's pretty much considered to be St. Nicholas to us, but he already had that name when we got him. Nicholas helps me with my Multiple Sclerosis. He was 19 months old when I received him because it takes a year of training for them to become a certified Service Dog. The place I got him from is Service Dog Project from Ipswich Massachusetts. He went through 12 months of training for mobility and then, when they figured out that he was going to go to me because of mobility issues as well as my PTSD, they also trained him for the PTSD.
I did buy Nicholas a $400 Big Barker Bed and he loves that. It doesn't matter what we are doing, from the moment when we get back home he always goes straight for that bed and lays down. One thing I was told when we were going through training with Nicholas was that when he was not working he would be sleeping. He also tries to sit on my lap, famous among those who have Great Danes, because they will either turn with their back to you or with their side to you and then back their rear end up onto your lap ending up with their hind legs off of the floor.
Nicholas will rest his head on my chest. He also nudges me when he senses I’m fatigued so I would go sit down. If he picks up on some of my symptoms he will come and get closer to me. If I am having a bad day he always gets closer to me because he just knows that I need a little extra help from him. I don't know how he knows that...he just does.
Nicholas plays with whatever toys are available. He doesn't really have any favorite toys except for his Kong. I live with my parents and they have a Chocolate Labrador and they play
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