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Campbell the Golden Doodle and Jackson the Beagle Mix - Lori: I retired from the South Carolina Army National Guard (Active Guard-Reserve) as a Master Sergeant. The last duty position I had was as Senior Non-Commissioned Officer-in-Charge of the Administrative Section. I compiled reports, coordinated duties and reported directly to the Officer-in-Charge for my Section. I served from March 1990 to April 2016 and my assignments included: Greenville, SC, August-September 1990; Spartanburg, SC, October 1990-February 1996; West Columbia, SC, March 1996-April 2003; North Charleston, SC, May 2003-August 2012; and Charleston, SC, September 2012-April 2016.
If I were physically and mentally capable of going back to the military I would. I miss my comrades and felt I had a sense of purpose. The military taught me to not only be myself but also to be a team player and to be responsible. Learning the Army Values and being able to apply them to each day of my life helped me to keep a positive outlook on life. I have always taught my son that “the sky is the limit” and I would support him (minus a few things) in whatever he wanted to do with his life. He already served time in the U.S. Navy and I couldn’t be prouder.
I was diagnosed with a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Initially I did see it as a weakness because I always viewed Soldiers as being strong
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