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Thai the Yellow Labrador and Munich the Golden Retriever - Medric: I served in the Canadian Armed Forces, Air Force and was awarded the Star of Courage (SC), the long service award (CD), Knight in the Order of Saint George (KStG) during my service from June 1979 to September 1991. I was an Anti-ASW Specialist with a secondary role in Search and Rescue (SAR). The cause of my injuries was the Seahawks SAR. My time at the Royal Military College instilled in me the values of its motto: Truth, Duty and Valor. Serving as a Naval Aviator is a crazy job for an adrenaline junkie. I was a Naval Submarine Warfare Specialist on the Sea King CH124A Helicopter, which was the airframe that I flew on. I believe in everything my country stands for. However, political interference and agendas are making Veterans lives a living hell.
My wife and I were vested in the Order of Saint George based on the work we have done in the Service Dog 'world' over the past five and a half years. During this time, we have paired 110 other Veterans with their Service Dogs.
The title of my book is 'Further Than Yesterday — That's All That Counts'. I think the most important thing to share, from one Veteran to another, is to not give up hope...because if you
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