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time, I can just train my own damn dog." Well, my doctor thought that was a good idea so that's what started all of this.
When I got Sam he was only six weeks old. When he was old enough, I started training him. I went and bought every book I could find by César Millán and anybody else who had any sense, and I started his good conduct training. Then, for the stuff I couldn't do, I found a place to take him to assist me with his training. Creative Dog Training in Birmingham did a lot of work with him, including Good Conduct Training. Other training that I did with him was up in Nashville, TN. They did a lot of training that helped Sam to focus more on me. As an example, as I am talking to you over the phone, he is laying right here at my feet and staring at me. Everything that I do, he is right here and watching me, all of the time. I've got nine acres and have a couple of horses and pastures and stuff like that. So, if I am out bush hogging a pasture, he is always laying at the side of the pasture watching me. Whenever I get done, I'll whistle him up, we'll move to the next pasture, and he'll find his spot by the side of the next pasture and continue watching me while I work. He'll always sit and watch...he just has his own little routine. When we are done, he'll follow me back up to the barn and come back into the house with me.
Sam is my current Service Dog (and is 10 years old) and Maggie is currently in training to take over for Sam. I got Sam at six weeks of age and he turned ten on April 15th, 2018. I currently have six dogs and all of them are allowed in the house. With all ages as of July 2018 my dogs include: Buddy a Pitbull/Sharpei mix (14 years old), Crystal a Pitbull/Boxer mix (10 years old), Janna a German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix (seven years old), Killer a English Shepherd/ Bassett Hound mix (five years old), and Maggie a German Shepherd (16 months). Sam
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