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Rory the Black Labrador and Shomali the Afghan Hound Mixed Breed - Peter: I have a wife serves in that role. It's definitely not full time. It isn't supported/funded through the VA as we got turned down for that particular support through the VA for her to be able to get the assistance and stipend. This is even though she spent the last three years taking care of me and dealing with the hospital, etc. But, you know, it is what it is. They said that I was getting better fast enough that, by the time the paperwork was processed and it was set up, I wouldn't need it anymore. But here I am three years later and I still need the extra assistance from my wife. My spouse was a military brat because she grew up in the military culture and her dad was a Colonel in the Army. So, she pretty much grew up with the military. She was pretty young at the time, but her dad was a Vietnam Veteran, and she is better able to understand my issues because of what her dad had to deal with.
Despite everything, if I were able to go back into the military I would. Both of my kids have joined. I always said that I didn't want my kids fighting the same war that I had to fight. I'd go to war in a heartbeat if it meant that I could keep them out of it. I am as proud as heck that they
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