Page 966 - TWOPTSD
P. 966

 Every time I did choose to eat at the DFAC I was always wary of rocket attack announcements. It was always a toss-up whether one was going to happen during chow or not. When it did, it seemed kind of like a broken'd hear the rocket attack announcement in the soft and overly calm female British voice...and then the metal scraping of countless chairs against the floor as everyone in the DFAC, civilian and military alike, lay down on the dusty floor in the prone-ish position. I say ‘ish’ because some didn't lay all the way down. As usual, I would scan the area, and would often find at least five or six young Soldiers who brought their trays down with them and continued to 'enjoy' their chow, if that was even possible. I guess when your usual choice is MRE's then the DFAC was like gourmet cuisine. When the all-clear was announced I had to hear the same clatter and scraping of the chairs and of people settling back in to eat. The reason this was deemed acceptable was that the DFAC was a fortified building (built with more than just plywood). To this day it's no wonder why I detest the sound of chairs being scraped across floors. It's like nails on a chalkboard...only much worse.
Very much like Remmy and Valor's owner/Veteran, I too have significant difficulties with trust with the exception that, at times, when I see people in uniform, sometimes that can be a trigger for me as well. At times my lack of trust even extends to members of my own family, even though I know those thoughts are completely unfounded.
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