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 Portrait Project events; he’s traveled in planes, trains and automobiles and has even ridden along in my horse-drawn wagon. I’ve learned to read his moods, and he mine. I’m always tickled to watch his exuberant, boisterous romps with my two corgis, Lilly and Pickles, and to see him snuggle and nuzzle with my husband during tv time. He’s truly a Godsend for us all.
There’s a demarcation in my life — the time before Charlie and the time after. Before, I was a shell of myself living in fear of seizures, anxiety and immobility — deaf to the world and closed off in many respects. Now in the time after, there are no limits. I confidently face each new challenge enthusiastically. I realize now that I will never be cured of PTSD. However, I am better equipped to live my life with this burden. Charlie has brought a sense of calm to my world. My stress levels are greatly reduced, thus my seizures are non-existent. With Charlie’s support, I have taken back control.
Charlie has opened a window into my soul, which can’t be closed. I no longer hide from my fears, or hide my fears from others. I am more accepting of my challenges and more forthcoming about them too.
He’s empowered me to be honest...with myself. Now I’m really living.
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