Page 993 - TWOPTSD
P. 993

 I have my own PTSD Service Dog named Abby, who I've had since March of 2017. She came from Jasper Ranch Rottweilers, in Astoria, New York.
We are pretty much inseparable. She also wakes me up when I have nightmares, and will not leave me until I have calmed down. Abby always seemed to have her butt at the head of the bed for some reason. Now she seems to have to sleep with her body wrapped around my wife's head. Regardless, there are all those wonderful smells that seem to come from that end...and we just have to kick her off the bed so that we can breathe clean air. She has her own bed on the floor so it's not like she is lacking a comfortable place to sleep. Her latest bed we got from Walmart and she hasn't destroyed it yet, whereas we have gotten her beds that cost us $100 and more that she destroyed in a few days’ kudos to Walmart.
If I go somewhere and I hear a loud boom, and I start to get the shakes, then Abby will start licking my hand and my face, and will put her paw on my leg. She won't move from there until I am able to calm down...until I tell her it's all right. When a thunderstorm comes, ironically, we take care of each other. She doesn't like thunder either. So, I got her one of those Thunder Shirts, which helps her out a lot, and we just sit there and try to concentrate on something other than the storm. Then, of course, when we hear a loud crack outside, we both look the same's kind of hilarious. So yeah, we take care of each other during storms. When I am having nightmares, she will come up as close as she can to my side of the bed and start licking me in the face. If that doesn't work then she drops those huge clodhoppers of hers on me...and that always makes me up.
If we are out and I am not paying enough attention to her she will let me know...she will 'check in with me' to see if I am okay. If we go into a store and we are just standing there, she will sit directly on my foot. I've got her now that she'll sit on my right side because I am deaf on that side and I have lost peripherals over she'll sit on my foot but will face to my 'six'. So, when someone's coming towards me from behind or to the right she will always let me know but hitting me with that huge head of hers.
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