Page 427 - Total War on PTSD
P. 427
At REBOOT locations across the country and around the world, combat Veterans are healing, divorce rates are dropping, medication abuse is decreasing, and suicide numbers are being reduced. REBOOT is headquartered near Fort Campbell, KY (or in Pleasant View, TN to be exact) where it was founded in 2011 by Occupational Therapist Dr. Jenny Owens and her husband Evan. In what started as a small group in the Owens' home has expanded to over 150 course locations meeting in four countries and helping over 5,000 people since 2011.
I served in Iraq in 2005 with the Army National Guard leading a convoy team and supervising in a Communications Operations Center. A year later after my return, chronic pain from physical injuries got bad enough I sought medical attention and it got to the point where I had to let my chain-of-command know, which resulted in a medical discharge. A combination of loss of identity from no longer wearing the uniform, some moderate Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and chronic physical pain put me in a bad place for too long. Not dealing with it well and choosing self-medication, I eventually created an environment of fear of my own, which deeply affected my wife and almost ended our marriage. Being desperate enough to try something as crazy as healing from soul wounds we got trained to lead a REBOOT Combat Recovery course that met in our living room in early 2015. Seeing the immense benefits it had on me and the others in the group it was clear that I needed to quit my job at the Department of Homeland Security and raise my salary to enable me to work full time for the non-profit to help it grow. In the last three years since myself and others came on staff, we've grown from five course locations to over 150. It's been amazing to have a front row seat to the healing that's occurred not only in my own life but in the thousands of other lives that have been positively affected by this course.
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