Page 200 - Total War on PTSD
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 “inner”, means that Esoteric Wisdom TherapyTM is about listening to the spirit within us which tells us that “holy” means “whole” or “without divisions” and “healing” means “to make whole” or “integrate”.
Thus, Esotherapy is a process of reintegrating the individual awareness and thinking with their inner Higher Consciousness, a connection that has been disrupted due to traumatic experiences. As such, each intervention is Higher Consciousness-guided for each unique individual need.
4. Dualism: The Root Cause Of Humanity’s Many Forms of Diseases And Suffering
Is it possible that all illnesses and suffering arise from a single, COMMON root and, therefore, healing this root cause could heal them all? Consider the words of two sages:
“Dualistic thinking is a sickness.”
– Lao Tzu, author of the non-dualistic spiritual writing, the “Tao Te Ching”
“The mind is everything, what you think you become.” – Buddha
Historically, humanity has tried to figure out which master was more correct than the other, by applying divisive, dualistic thinking to teachings meant to teach non-dualism. Yet, these teachings are like pearls that strung together in a necklace are worth more than the sum of each pearl alone. Taken together, the words of the masters quoted above indicate that DUALISTIC consciousness is the root cause of all sickness and suffering.
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