Page 858 - Total War on PTSD
P. 858
When I was serving in New Mexico, and this was after my injury...and we didn't know how bad my injury was. I had a TBI and I was still going through a lot of recovery problems. Even though my wounds had healed I was still dealing with a lot of other issues including passing out, dizzy spells, and the non-epileptic seizure disorder I am still dealing with. Anyway, we started looking into getting a dog...and I wanted to get a a British Bulldog. The base misunderstood, and they had caught a female Pitbull on the base that someone living on base had previously owned (instead of turning it over they decided to just let her go). The dog got pregnant and it lived by the airstrip on base. The bad thing was that the puppies were wandering on the airstrip and there was still an F16 Fighter Wing stationed there at that time. The authorities were able to catch all of the puppies but weren't able to catch their mother. By the time they caught her the organization that had taken the puppies wasn't in the area any more so they couldn't take her too. They said they were probably going to have to destroy the mother, and when I heard about that we decided to take her in. The people on base had names her Jasmine because of where she was found on base. She had dug her own little den right next to some Jasmine roots, hence the name. So, Jasmine helped keep my wife safe at night while I was in and out of the hospital for treatments...when I was away for weeks at a time. It was military housing on the outskirts of town, and was overthrow housing that was eventually going to be turned over to the city. It was so rogue out there that, if a fire started, you had better hope you had enough water hose to put out the fire or you were out of luck. The nearest fire station was halfway across town and they always had other priorities before our area. I really didn't like my wife being alone, so it was wonderful to have Jasmine there to 'take care' of her and protect her. Jasmine would lick you to death...she was 65 pounds and was so lovable, but sounded so
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