Page 1041 - Total War on PTSD
P. 1041
along their own path. To help them off the sidewalks, so to speak. Not that I am calling anyone a worm...just using an analogy.
Through the years, since I was only a junior Petty Officer, I chose to mentor others in their own careers, to help them to advance. I started by helping develop study guides, then group training sessions that I conducted, then rotational training sessions so others would also be engaged, and so on. That expanded into a Navy Mentor website that I singlehandedly managed for four years. I picked up a highly competitive assignment as a Navy Leadership facilitator as a First Class Petty Officer (which was an additional duty assignment as I was in the Navy Reserve at that time).
This allowed me to expand my abilities and reach even more individuals, along with a co- facilitator, teaching leadership concepts and providing mentorship to future Navy leaders in both the Active and Reserve Navy sectors. It was one of my most meaningful assignments aside from my Afghanistan deployment.
Since this time, or actually interwoven in it, I have been mentoring individuals online. They could be anyone really. A majority are individuals who have health or physical issues related to PTSD, have or are dealing with MST, or need positive encouragement in general.
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