Page 864 - Total War on PTSD
P. 864
If I didn't have the other dogs with all the dander and the hair, I would have less seizures because my seizure medicine is counteracted by my allergy medicine.
Having Bayley really made me have to get out of my shell. Everyone has to live their life in a box. What I mean is a box with chalk line. I then say everything inside this chalk line I can control. I know everything inside the line. Outside the line...that is everything I don't know...I don't want to be part of but, by having the chalk line I allow myself to come out and I allow myself to come in and to learn from both. What happens is a lot of people say that they don't want that in their life. They don't want to know something, or they think they know everything they need to know, so they put up a wall where the chalk line used to be. So, they end up surrounding themselves with this wall...and they have put themselves in this self-imposed prison and without allowing it to be like a chalk line, they aren't allowing themselves the chance to learn, grow, change or get better. That person never allows anyone to come in anymore. Let's just say I am alone in my wheelchair and someone walks up and opens the door for me...and I am thinking do I look disabled enough that I can't even open a door for myself? I need to realize that sometimes people don't know how to help or what to do. Sometimes people realize just how hard life really is, how hard it is to go through the motions every single day, get up, shower, dress, go to work, come back home, go to bed, and do it all again the next day...and that's with no disabilities. That's hard enough in itself, so naturally they must think how much harder it might be for someone in a wheelchair, missing an arm or leg, a piece of their brain or part of their soul. They must think how can I help them just a little bit to make that a little easier. It's not that they are looking at me as a disabled person. It's not that they are looking at me as I need help, it's hey I know how hard this is, let me make this all just one-second easier for you. That's how Bayley,
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