Page 999 - Total War on PTSD
P. 999
bombarded with stuff that they just move on to the next person and let claims decide it and then fight it through appeal instead of getting it right to begin with.
My current Service Dogs are Millie and Rocky. I trained my Service Dogs on my own. Millie is my go-everywhere dog and Rocky is still in training. Millie and I went to a military funeral and I wasn't paying attention, and they did a 21-gun salute behind us that neither of us were prepared for, and I kind of flipped out. Ever since then I am having issues with her in crowds because of it. We were pretty crowded at the was my father who passed away. She hasn't really recuperated from that. So instead of trying to force her into doing things I am working another dog to get him (Rocky) so he's ready to deal with me in public. He does a good job at home but now we're working on the public side of things. Millie I will probably end up retiring even though she's still young. She does a good job, like last night, if she's not in bed with me, she lays on the mat I have beside the bed. And if I start having nightmares or anything like that she gets up and nudges me awake. She's still doing her job. She just doesn't like doing it in public as much. She'll still cover really good. Mainly, it's mostly anywhere there is a chain link fence. There was one at the cemetery right next to where we stood at the funeral when the guns were fired. She's just fine in stores. She is just relating those fences with gunshots now. Rocky is a much smaller dog. Millie is a German Shepherd and Rocky is a Blue Heeler. He will get up and pat me with his front feet and snuggle up next to the middle part of my body while in bed. You will hear that rumble of him growling if he hears someone walking in the house at night. He's got maybe six more months before he's finished with training but it will also be six more months before he's two years old.
I've had Rocky for around six months now...I got him around January of 2018. He was in a kill shelter down in Brownville and they were actually taking him down to get injected when the group that I worked with called them. So, I got lucky with him...and he's a fantastic dog. I had Satellite, another Blue Heeler, for two years when he passed away in December of 2016. He was the best Service Dog that you would ever want. I actually had started working him so that he would open the refrigerator doors and bring water or medicine...basically getting him ready for down the road. I didn't know he was sick until the day he passed away. He flew with me, he
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