Page 112 - Total War on PTSD
P. 112

 six of my peers, 212 medics and responsible for the medical readiness of over 4,500
My transition back into society was one of the hardest things I have ever went through and still go through today. My story is filled with trauma and suicide (13 close friends/peers/Soldiers) because they could not find solutions to the mental health difficulties that combat Veterans face. My own solution was to drink and use pharmaceutical drugs in order to escape the realities of mental torture that I was experiencing on a daily basis. The constant feeling of loneliness and depression (which would transition into stints of adrenaline fueled anxiety) was driving me crazy. Coming back from deployment I did not have my support system (my platoon) anymore. They were transferred to other bases or had their own lives and families to tend to. And by 2014, I started to think about suicide myself. I even attempted suicide on multiple occasions.
After the last failed attempt (while in the military) I decided that I needed to get out of my current environment and start all over. I transferred to Ft. Knox, KY to become a medical recruiting officer. The geographical change did not make things better, it only made things worse. My loneliness and depression intensified, and my alcohol
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