Page 985 - Total War on PTSD
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adapted my life to my “new normal” by leaning heavily on my work colleagues while behind the camera and relying a great deal on my husband, Andy Dunaway, while at home. I moved at a breakneck pace. The idea was I’d stay super-busy so my unaddressed issues couldn’t catch up with me. After 27 states, 6,500 Veterans’ portraits and 125 events, they did. Big time.
It all came to a head unexpectedly when I suffered my first grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizure. The neurologist attributed it to my TBI and excessive emotional stress. This was a pivotal moment in my life. The moment I admitted I needed help. That’s when I applied for a Service Dog through America’s VetDogs.
The same month I applied for a Service Dog, a little Black Labrador retriever puppy, Charlie, made his debut on national television. Charlie was raised on NBC’s TODAY Show as their “Puppy with a Purpose” for 18 months. Every day, his puppy raiser, Olivia Poff, would drive him to Manhattan where he’d spend the morning on set. In the afternoons, they’d travel back to the VetDogs Long Island facility for in-depth training sessions. These sessions were geared to help Charlie prepare for his life of service. Olivia, and Charlie’s additional trainer, Katie Ruiz, taught him how to provide counter balance, seizure support, nightmare interrupt, hearing support and so much more.
In the fall of 2017, I received word from America’s VetDogs that I’d been paired with a very special Service Dog. Elated and moved to tears, I’d discovered Charlie would be my new companion. In that instant, I knew my life was about to change — this time for the best.
A life without purpose isn’t really worth living in mind, so for ten years I hid my struggles. I didn’t want to be coddled, nor did I want my clients to pass me over for what they may perceive
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