Page 893 - Total War on PTSD
P. 893

 I think the best positive one I have was when I was in the Active Reserve and I was the Head Admin. in my office and I was recognized for helping create new Standard Operating Procedures and things like that. I was actually considered Maintenance (of vehicles) but I worked in Admin. at the time.
Trust, for me, is still very difficult. I think I've learned to not let it define me. In doing that, I'm able to, instead of isolating in my house, especially with my Service a Dog, able to get out more. I go shopping alone, get things done, and I actually went to my first concert with my sister and Kai and, instead of hiding in the bathroom, which is what I would usually do if I went, I was able to enjoy the concert...I watched the show. I wouldn't have been able to do it without my sister and my dog with me. He kept me calm, he sat on my lap, and he knew when I was getting edgy. It was a Faith Hill and Tim McGraw concert.
The military left me very changed due to my time in the Gulf. I suffered trauma due to Military Sexual Trauma and other common war related trauma that left me with PTSD. Although I was able to work for many years afterwards, it is now impossible. Relationships have become very difficult for me as well...and that contributed to my divorce. PTSD is by no means a weakness. It is a condition that needs to be learned to live with. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, severe depression and anxiety, among other things.
I was accepted into the Women's Inpatient Program through the Cincinnati VA back in 2012. The program helped tremendously and I was also able to have continuous appointments set up for therapy through the VA. I have learned that the therapy keeps me from being introverted or
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