Page 1035 - Total War on PTSD
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 that, by this time, your personal copy of this book is dog-eared and bookmarked throughout. I hope...better yet...I dream...that the ideas, concepts and advances represented in this book have taken you places you have never before imagined you could go on your very own road...your own personal recovery. Because it is your path and no one else’s. You must always recognize and discovery your own right path for yourself. My hope is that, like my own, that your trust has been restored in yourself, as well as others. I pray that you have found what ‘colors your world’. I also hope you have shared the information you have gained with friends...or maybe even got them a copy of this book so they could have one of their own...if you knew it could help them as much as it has helped you.
As I was sitting earlier, staring down at my hands, and struggling a bit with writers block, I started to realize how very far I have come on a personal basis, in the process of compiling this book. I pressed my hands together...fingertips touching...just feeling the sensation of my fingers...of mindfulness and just being there in that moment. I was able to feel the air from the fan blowing through my hair and was aware of the tension throughout my body. These were all things I wasn’t aware of nor able to do a year ago. The ability to practice mindfulness has made a huge difference in my life and has helped me to recognize and reduce chronic pain areas and stress. Refer back to chapters 1, 6, 13, 32, 35 and 43 to review information on mindfulness.
The BIPRI Headband, an FDA-registered device, used for migraine relief, provides a 100% drug-free way to interrupt pain while also providing sensory distraction. For someone like me who is already wary of taking more medications than I have to, the
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