Page 3 - Player Development Project Timberwolves
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Another reason for our success is the structure we provide to players. Good players like structure because it keeps them organized. It has been proven that people are more successful when they are on a routine. Our worst enemy is ourselves as we all fight human nature daily. It is a lot easier to push things back until tomorrow when one’s schedule is not organized. It is important for players to have a routine of when they lift, when they workout, when they get shots up, when they watch film, when they eat, when they sleep. Once a player is set in a routine, it goes through it without much thought and is a lot less inclined to skip or cancel parts of it.
We can all go further when pushed by someone else. Even the greatest had people holding them accountable. For example, Muhammad Ali was arguably the greatest boxer of all time. However, he also needed someone to hold him accountable. His trainer, Angelo Dundee, had to push him beyond what Ali thought possible to achieve greatness. Accountability is not just making sure guys are on time, or get their workout in. It goes deeper than that. We had player last season who was a good shooter. However, he tended to fall back and not follow through on his shot which hurt his percentages. We did not just make him hold his follow through in workouts. We had someone watch every shot he took during practice and tell him if he did not hold it. Then, I personally watched on video with him every shot he took after each practice and each game to hold him accountable. We fixed the problem and his percentages went way up. This is just one example of many.