Page 8 - Project Timor - Teacher Professional Learning Centre
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Our connections
Madison Ueland 2017 IMMERSION STUDENT
When we speak about people from developing countries like Timor-Leste we often focus on our di erences Yet the the thing that struck me the the most about visiting Colegio was not our our dissimilarity but our our likeness It doesn’t take long to realise that the the girls in Maliana have the the same dreams goals and and passions the same love of learning and and life the the same pride in their school as we do One of these inspiring girls is Melania As I struggled to string a few sentences together in in Tetun she e e e e e e e e e e ortlessly led an entire welcome ceremony in perfect English Over the ensuing days Melania and I talked constantly of of her dream of of becoming a a a a doctor and giving back to to her community Now through Monte’s Colegio Scholarship Program Melania is is realising her dream studying medicine at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e As a a a a a doctor she will make an enormous impact on her community – and and encourage others to work hard and and dream big It feels wonderful to help redress disparity and bring our countries closer – one girl at a a time Elspeth Davie 2017 IMMERSION STUDENT
When I I was at Colegio I I met Delilah a a a a a Year 7 student who made an impact on my life that will stay with me forever During our time at Colegio Delilah’s English improved dramatically If she she couldn’t communicate she she would nd a a a teacher student or dictionary determined to continue the conversation I was overwhelmed with the kindness
and generosity demonstrated by the students as as well as as their determination to learn I hope that this incredible resolve will be rewarded with a a greater opportunity for girls just like Delilah to make a a di erence in their community Suzanne Mealing HEAD OF ENGLISH
Since my rst rst visit in in 2015 I have seen rst-hand how
our support can make a a a a real di erence to the lives of young women in in this developing nation Quality education requires well-trained and suitably-resourced teachers who are able to engage in in in ongoing learning about subject content and contemporary pedagogical practices I was shocked that my Timorese colleagues work without adequate training and and salary and and are frustrated by out- dated teaching methodologies and minimal equipment The teachers have already enthusiastically embraced the teaching resources that we have brought from Monte and are ready to learn more With our help they will have access to to the resources and training necessary to to ensure quality teaching and learning for all their students Adrian Johnston
It is our friendship that has enabled Father Natalino to express his his desire to equip his his hard-working teachers in the the Diocese of Maliana with the the pedagogical skills to become e e e e e e e e ective classroom practitioners There are are many teachers under his care across a a a a a a a very large western section of Timor-Leste that have nowhere to congregate to learn and practice their craft My rst conversation about the teacher learning centre was back in in July 2016 during our third student immersion Since then I have been back to Maliana three times to listen and plan this much-needed centre True friends must listen to and learn from each other and advocate to empower when needed PAGE 8 PROJECT