Page 9 - September 2021
P. 9

 the one inferring that he would perform a four hour concert which would include a jam with the Beatles were rife. In truth, it wasn’t until July 17th that ‘Fiery Creations’ received the first indication that the man was, in fact, more than interested. Within a week the deal was struck, and, on July 24th, leading British music journal, ‘Melody Maker’, was able to announce, ‘Dylan here in August.’
Fiery Creations
had now committed
themselves, but it wasn’t
plain sailing just yet. The
festival was to take place over three days, a venue had been found -farmland close to the East Wight village of Wootton- but there were still inevitable (and understandable) concerns from local residents to be dealt with. Other acts were being booked -and, of course, would expect to be paid. It was a worrying factor that advance ticket sales were initially lower than anticipated (was this due to scepticism that Dylan was really coming?) Posters appeared all over the UK: ‘Will you be in the Isle of Wight on August 31st? Bob Dylan will.’ and ‘Come and help Bob Dylan sink the Isle of Wight’, the latter message hardly reassuring for the some of the Island’s staid, older residents.
Marsha Hunt & The White Trash, Pretty Things, Blodwyn Pig, King Crimson, Pentangle, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, Ritchie Havens, Aynsley Dunbar, Tom Paxton, Julie Felix, The Liverpool Scene, Edgar Broughton Band, Gypsy . . . . and there were more.
As the date drew near, Dylan and his wife, Sara, boarded the QE2, with two of their children, Jesse and Maria. Just hours before the ship was due to sail, three year old Jesse accidentally hit his head against a cabin door, and was knocked unconscious. His parents accompanied him to hospital, where they remained until assured he was out of danger. By this time the QE2 had long gone. The Dylans returned home, deciding to delay their departure until the were positive all would be well with Jesse. They took a flight to England several days later, arriving on Monday, 27th August.
Rob Atkins.
Next Month: Dylan’s First Full Concert For Three
Advanced ticket sales began to pick up. The fears
of local councillors -and those householders living
close to the prospective site- were partially assuaged.
The names of bands and singers sharing the bill over
the weekend were made known: The Who, Moody
Blues, Fat Mattress, Joe Cocker, Family, Free,9Years.

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