Page 5 - June Issue 2021
P. 5

   John K
CEO and Radio Presenter
KC Darlin’
Publisher’s Notes
Welcome to issue # 6 our June edition.
Events are coming back to many of our performers and a welcome site it is.
Since February of 2020 many venues were shut down due to CoronaVirus 19. There are still people that say it doesn’t exist, after millions suffered. Many government officials had different views of not only how serious it was but whether they should ignore the warnings, the scientists etc around the world and just go business as usual.
I for one believe it is real and we should still proceed with caution where and when we can. Even with that in mind I am so happy for many of our musical friends, where they can get out and perform again. This was missed not only by the artists but by the public who would be coming to watch. I always look at the good side of things and believe that this time stuck indoors allowed people to create and maybe plan better of hopefully freedom again.
KC Darlin and I have had interviewed many artists during this time and found out that the artists used this time to write new songs, collaborate in ways they never did before as through Skype, zoom Facebook and other visual and audio programs. They may to some degree still use these programs to communicate to fans other band members, recording studios and radio stations like us around the world.
On behalf of KC Darlin, myself and our staff, we salute you for having the patience and the ingenuity to keep your dreams alive during this time. We all look forward to seeing and listening to see what you created during lock- downs. IT IS EXCITING FOR SURE WooHoo!
But again, proceed with caution, we need you! John K.

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