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Use What You Got
mpowered Greet-
ings. Many of you read- ing this column are working a 9-5 job that you don’t like. You look at your paycheck and feel underpaid and overworked. Some of you may not have a job at all. You desire more out of life than what you’ve gotten so far.
There is a thought in the back of your mind to do some- thing different, but you don’t know what. Or maybe you feel discouraged because you don’t have financial resources.
I want to encourage you with the words of a song that says, “You don’t need a whole lot, just use what you’ve got.” It is with this premise that I have started every business I
have ever owned.
As an entrepreneur at
heart, I believe that everything you own should be able to make money for you. Here are 5 steps to getting started.
1) Take inventory of the gifts and talents that God has endowed you with.
2) Take inventory of the material possession you have. 3) Creatively determine how they can be used to take
you to the next level in life.
4) Begin to view life through the eyes of others. Observe people to see what problems they are facing. Re- member no matter how small a problem is - it still demands a solution. That solution if de- veloped by you cannot only
change that person’s situation, but it can also change yours.
5) Ask God to open up your understanding and allow His creative power to flow through you.
Keep your day or night job, but use your gifts, talents, abil- ities and resources to create something of your own. Al- though it may start off as a side gig it can flourish into something big if you stay the course.
My life is a testimony that you can go from scratch to success using these steps. I’ve done multiple times and so can you.
Feel free to call me at 813-603-0088 for assis- tance with the 5 steps to your success; to speak or train at your next confer- ence, retreat, organiza- tional meeting, school or event.
Let’s stay connected on social media. Facebook: Success Coach To Women; Twitter: queenofsuccess1; Instagram: Selphenia.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
A Senate-Divided Can Not, Must Not Lead
t reminded us of those bitter days directly before the Civil
War and immediately beginning Reconstruction when the U. S. Senate not only was a place of constant deadlock, but its halls often lapsed into mind-numbing filibuster or oc- casional deadly violence.
The result back then was a war that pitted North against South and later gave birth to a Jim Crow America where the Supreme Court became cannibalistic of its own constitu- tional ethics. Now more than a century later, after scores of gun-tainted deaths of fellow Americans, we were brought to the conclusion by the Republican- majority Senate that the Civil War and Reconstruction are not over. And that our na- tion’s lust for the taste of its own blood has not yet, been sat- isfied.
When votes were counted, the tally was 42 to 53 against the passage of all four gun-control laws finding their way be- fore a “hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, speak-no-evil” U. S. Senate, which took at least 60 supporting votes to pass anything at all.
So, to say that their defeat was a disgrace is a gross mis- statement. The trouncing of the gun-laws was nothing less than a slap-in-the-face to the most basic ideas of a civilized humanity.
Meanwhile, the blood of 49 innocent Americans in Or- lando festers on the ground as gun lobbyists celebrate their grisly victory.
In the midst of this melee, the voice of a former American president once again sounds a warning. Said Abraham Lin- coln, “A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” But here recently, we have revised his warning.
We say, “A Senate divided against itself cannot lead.”
Gotta Give The King His Props
ometimes I can't figure
people out. Just when I think I know what to expect from them, I realize that I don't have a clue.
For instance, when Le- Bron James won his third NBA title in 6 years Sunday, I thought for sure it would have proved to all of his doubters that he was, indeed, at least oneofthetop5(ifnottop2) NBA players to ever play the game. But, of course, that was- n't the case.
Instead, for the last few days, all I've heard has been LeBron haters disparaging his accomplishments with statements like: "He benefited from playing during a weak era and in an even weaker eastern conference; "If it weren't for his teammate Kyrie Irving hitting a 3- point shot late in the game we'd be, once again, talking about LeBron's lack of 'killer' instincts." And, arguably, the most disrespectful comment came from former NBA all- star Charles Barkley who stated LeBron wasn't even on his top 7 list of all-time greats.
To me this criticism is as unwarranted as it is unbeliev- able. When you consider that we're talking about a guy who's gone to the finals six years in a
row with two different teams, was the first player to have back-to-back 40-point games in the history of the finals, was the first player to EVER lead a team to a victory after being down 3-1 in a finals series, only the third player to register a triple-double in a finals game 7and,inwhathastobethe craziest stat I've ever seen, was the first player to ever be ranked first in every offensive and defensive category for both teams in finals history, it seems ludicrous that anyone would not want to give this man his props.
The only thing LeBron didn't do during the NBA championship was feed every- one in attendance out of a sin- gle bag of popcorn. But, even if he was able to pull off a mira- cle of that magnitude, some of his critics probably still would- n't let him off the hook.
For the life of me I can't understand why this man is so deeply despised by so many? I mean, to hear some of these individuals talk, you would think that LeBron was the or- chestrator of all their woes.
The irony of their con- tempt and refusal to recognize LeBron as a living legend is the fact that, when it comes to professional athletes, the
young brother is solid gold. He is, truly, one of the good guys in a climate where mug shots are as common as slam dunks and touchdowns.
You never hear LeBron's name associated with foolish- ness. No domestic violence charges. No positive drug tests. No inappropriate rants on social media. Not even a parking ticket.
The man is even happily married to a Black woman, a status that practically makes him a unicorn in sports these days.
On and off the court Le- Bron is that rare player who you wouldn't mind your young son admiring and your daugh- ter dating. Yet, for some rea- son, people feel moved to hate him.
I guess, in the grand scale if things, it really doesn't mat- ter though. Like LeBron said a few years ago, he doesn't care what people say about him be- cause, at the end of the day, he's going to live his life and those who dwell on the nega- tive will have to continue living with their own misery. I'm paraphrasing. But you get the point.
The only advice I can give to those who continue to hate the king is, please get over it. The man has, once again, proven why he deserves his title and his crown. The very least you can do is swallow your pride and bow in the presence of his majesty.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can TEXT C.B., II, at (+18133080849).
Summer Earth Alert!
erhaps if Congress were required to hold sessions in
Phoenix, Arizona or Palm Springs, California, where the temperature reached as high as 122 degrees, Republicans might begin to realize that global warming is real. Few of us know how it feels to live in a city where the temperature ex- ceeds 120 degrees and even fewer of us wish to find out.
However, we are concerned that the Bay Area may expe- rience such temperatures in the near future if politicians and corporate “fat-cats” continue to ignore what is happening to our planet. Perhaps, for reasons known only to their pocket- books, few government officials are willing to admit that global warming is not something trumped up on Saturday Night Live, as if ignoring the danger signs would make the imminent horror go away.
However, this past week, California, Nevada, and Arizona have all issued “Excessive Heat Warnings” for record high temperatures that continue to be broken. The incidence of heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke will increase, and workers who spend a work day outdoors, children, the elderly and citizens without air conditioning, as well as people with chronic illnesses will bear the brunt of negative health effects of the heat.
Consequently, as our planet spirals toward ecological sui- cide by polluting our air and oceans and the extinction of an- imal and plant species, politicians refuse to support policies
that attempt to curb fossil fuel emissions. Our oceans are warming which negatively impacts marine life and our food sources, not to mention forest fires.
We support legislation designed to reduce global warming and urge our state and federal officers to endorse such legislation. Either that, or there may come a day when “Black Life won’t matter” because all life will have become extinct. The next world war will not be about race. It will be about water.

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