Page 27 - Florida Sentinel 9-4-15 Edition
P. 27

Ohio Police Chief Won’t Apologize For Wearing Confederate Vest
Boko Haram Terrorists On Horseback Kill 68
KANO NIGERIA - Sus- pected Boko Haram gunmen on horseback shot dead nearly 80 people in attacks on three villages in Nigeria's restive northeast at the weekend, a vigilante and residents told AFP on Monday.
The attacks were the latest bloodbath in the six-year-old insurgency by the extremist group aimed at carving out an Islamic state in the volatile re- gion.
Babakura Kolo, a vigi- lante fighting Boko Haram, said 68 people were killed in the attack on Baanu village in Borno state late on Friday while residents said another 11 people were shot dead in two other villages on Saturday and Sunday.
"Reports reached us of an at- tack on Baanu village late Fri- day where Boko Haram gunmen riding on horses
opened fire on the village. Sixty-eight people were killed in the attack," Kolo told AFP. He said the gunmen stormed Baanu around 8.30 pm (1930 GMT), shooting sporadically.
Baanu resident Aisami Ari who fled the attack to the state capital Maiduguri on Satur- day, also confirmed the attack and the death toll. "The at- tackers came on horses around 8.30 p.m. and began shooting sporadically. The whole village was thrown into confusion and everybody fled. We returned after they had gone and found out they had killed 68 people in the village," he said.
"Most of us left the village on Saturday for fear of a fresh at- tack," he added.
A government official, who demanded anonymity, how- ever put the death toll in Baanu at 56.
FOX’s Folks Are At It Again: Guest Host Calls ‘Black Lives Matter‘ Group Criminals
While guest-hosting Fox News' "The Five" on Monday, comedian Tom Shillue de- nounced the Black Lives Mat- ter movement as organized criminals whose protests should be stopped and whose leaders should be arrested.
"I think it’s shut-it-down time," he said of the move- ment, which grew from re- peated instances of unarmed black men being killed by white police officers in the past year. "I think it’s ridiculous. And I think that this is crimi- nal stuff. These organizations -- it’s not a civil rights move- ment. Call it what it is. It’s a lie from the beginning."
Shillue added that he puts "a lot of responsibility" on the protesters for the death of white suburban Houston offi- cer Darren Goforth on Fri- day, who was shot by Shannon J. Miles, a Black man with a criminal past and short stints in jail. The sheriff in Goforth's county, Ron Hickman, has linked Miles' motive to Black Lives Matter protests.
"This is a violent group," Shillue continued. "I think it’s time to shut them down. And the federal government’s not going to do it. I think the state governors should go in when there’s protests and shut
Black Lives Matters Groups are organizing all over the country.
Tom Shillue was a guest host on FOX’s ‘The Five’ Monday and said that the group’s lead- ers should be arrested.
them down. People are drunk on rights in this country. These people are violent. It’s horri- ble, and I think [authorities] should go in there and do whatever they have to. I don’t know if it’s RICO laws or something," he said, referenc- ing the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act passed by Congress in 1970 to combat the Mafia.
PORT CLINTON, OH -- An Ohio police chief isn’t really ad- dressing the controversy that has unfolded since he was seen in photos wearing a Confeder- ate-flag vest while vacationing in South Dakota.
Port Clinton Police Chief Robert Hickman said that he doesn’t “look at the Confeder- ate flag as a racist symbol,” with some residents defending him, saying he doesn’t have a “racist bone” in his body.
However, some aren’t very impressed. Sandusky, Ohio, NAACP President Jim Jack- son told the Sandusky Register that the attire was inappropri- ate in light of the controversy surrounding the flag, particu- larly since the Charleston, S.C., church shooting.
Hickman’s vest has also in- advertently drawn attention to his wife, Roseann, who is run- ning for City Council and was also seen in a photo sticking up her middle finger in a joking gesture.
Roseann Hickman said, “I will not discuss my personal Facebook page, which has a pri- vacy setting for my friends only,” in response to the Regis- ter’s questions surrounding the controversial photo.
The Hickmans eventually released a statement insisting, “Our private life is not open for discussion.”
100 Black Men Help Start Elementary School Students Year Off With Cheers
Racist Instagram Threats Lead To Mass Absences At Texas High School
KILLEEN, TX - A violent so- cial media threat against Black students at a Killeen, Texas high school on Friday prompted parents to keep their kids at home from school, reports the New York Daily News.
The move came in response to since deleted Instagram posts on Thursday by user “jakedajesus254,” including a picture of a man holding a gun and another with the message: “This is a final warning to all the [n-word] out there. I’m gonna beat UR a-- I wanna fight every [n-word] who thinks he can take me. I will be fighting everyone I can tomor- row after school in front of the school,” the report says.
Although the late night posts and the account have been re- moved from Instagram, the re- port says, they resurfaced on social media as a warning for parents to keep their children at home Friday. As a result, concerned parents removed their kids from school on Fri-
day, leading to 352 absences out of the school’s roughly 2,000 students, the report says.
“HEADS UP PARENTS KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME FROM KILLEEN H.S. Tomor- row,” warns a Facebook image of the two Instagram posts, notes the News. The message “from a concerned parent to Another!!!!!!” encouraged users to spread the word on social media.
The school day on Friday ended without incident. No one was arrested in connection with the posts.
HARTFORD, CN -- At one Hartford, Conn., school, the first day back looked a bit like a celebration. As students ap- proached Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, they were greeted and asked both their name and grade.
Then their credentials were called out loud before an en- thusiastic group of Black men who lined both sides of the en- trance. As the students walked down the middle of the aisle they were high-fived and given words of encouragement.
"We want to start off the first day right with a lot of en- thusiasm, and encourage them to put their best foot forward," organizer DeVaughn Ward said last week. Ward had the
approximately 100 profes- sional black men lined up out- side the school first thing to show support for the kids' first day.
Ward told the news station that the inspiration for the event came from hearing about an Atlanta group of men who did the same thing. A Facebook post had immediate impact, and Ward noted that while the men aren't affiliated with any group, they are all committed to making sure that children know they are loved and supported.
Once all the high fives and words of encouragement had been doled out and the kids were all inside, the men gath- ered for a prayer.

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