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The Shirtless Gangs
ast week, we decided we
would look seriously at problems of Blacks. In case someone forgot or if they didn’t read the column, we were to look at those problems caused mostly by us.
Last week, we looked at young moms and the problems they have caused because they know don’t know how to raise their children. We sincerely hope that moms and moms-to- be got enough out of the article to cause them to think.
We want to discuss a group I call the Shirtless Gang and once again they are young.
Primarily, they dropped out of school, grew up in the ghetto and they depend upon the law of the land for survival. It is important to point out that it is this gang that set the law of the land.
Let us be true to ourselves. Our neighborhoods are clut- tered with burglar bars and every kind of key known to mankind. Residents find that
these instruments are neces- sary to keep unwanted visitors out of their houses.
I give you five guesses as to who the unwanted guests are.
It is you, ole thieving one.
Blacks living in nice areas can’t walk in their neighbor- hoods because they are afraid of being mugged and robbed. It is you who they are afraid of shirtless gang bangers. You can easily be recognized. You travel in packs with a boom box that is playing so loud until it shakes the whole area, and then there are the tale tell no shirt and pants hanging below your butt.
Who wants to see your back and butt?
You walk through neigh- borhoods half naked. You are guilty of breaking and enter- ing, stealing everything that isn’t tied down and destroying property for the heck of it.
It becomes lunch time and the snack bags appear. When the eating is done in the streets
and some of the yards are lit- tered with trash. You don’t care because every place is a trash can to you. I often won- der if you thugs ever thought about pulling up your pants, putting on a shirt to go look for a job.
I know that the job you lost souls want you can’t have. You see the company already has a president. What would you do as president? You can’t go shirtless in the office.
Sit down a while and think. You don’t have education and you don’t have any job skills. So what kind of job does that leave for you? It is a job that requires no brains, so it shouldn’t matter to none of the shirtless gang bangers.
Don’t any of you dudes want a job any way? You rather continue your aimless wandering, being a part of the crime rate, causing other races of people to think the worst of Blacks, while upsetting some other Blacks over your con- duct.
Don’t labor under the im- pression that these up stand- ing homeowners are afraid of you guys. They just don’t want trouble and you should not ei- ther.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
Money And Media: The Puppet-Masters
merican readers woke several days ago to read the
following observation about Republican presiden- tial candidate Ben Carson. “(He) doesn’t shout. He doesn’t throw zingers, and he rarely disparages rival presidential candidates.
In a period when Donald Trump’s bluster dominates the 2015 presidential race, Carson seldom says anything provocative enough to generate TV news . . .all of which makes him perhaps the most extraordinary person on stage [this past] Wednesday.”
Who changed the script? Indeed, it’s as if somebody somewhere decided the deck should be restacked, and a new lottery hero should be picked.
With a landslide of strange-sounding polls predicting more upsets than bad weather, how in all humility are the American people to keep up with reality? We are left, therefore, with a series of chilling responses: Maybe, the American reading citizenry is no longer meant to keep up with reality.
Maybe, politics (especially presidential politics) is no longer a democratic exercise, but a poker game played solely by the super-rich and pockets of manipulative media. If so, candidates are no longer people, but are puppets. Billionaires are puppeteers. And we American voters now run the risk of no longer being relevant.
Watch For The Hook
atching the news re-
cently has left me constantly shaking my head in utter amazement. That is mainly because it's hard for me to believe how much the media is trying to trick the American people into accepting the pre- posterous idea that Donald Trump has a Kardashian's chance in Heaven of repre- senting the Republican Party in next year's presidential elec-
Everyday there appears to
be a different poll revealed in- dicating Trump's lead over all other candidates by a re- markable margin in so-called "battleground" states. And each time these numbers are presented the talking heads on television pontificate for an hour on what makes Trump's popularity continue to soar de- spite his over-the-top-antics?
The obvious explanation, of course, is simple. It is all a part of the showman appeal he uses to further help promote the il- lusion.
The truth is that Trump's presence is needed to provide drama and spectacle to an oth- erwise dull election process. Not only does he boost ratings and draw attention but, the part they're not divulging is that, his act is a key element of a much larger agenda.
Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and the rest of the collective of candidates are
simply in place to put on a good show. Actors, employed by the world's greatest con men, hired to give the entire process a texture of authentic- ity.
Trump is the clown prince of the production. Fiorina as- sumes the role of his foil. And, Carson is the token foot-shuf- fling Negro that the Grand Ole' Party often calls on to spew its typical anti-Black rhetoric.
The idea that Carson is even in the conversation is the biggest insult to our intelli- gence. I mean, seriously, do they actually expect us to be- lieve that, as much as the Re- publican Party hates President Barack Obama and as hard as they're working to repeal voting rights across the country to keep another Obamaesque Presidency from ever occurring again, they would really consider re- placing President Obama with someone even darker?
When it's all said and done the man who, more than likely, has already been chosen by the decision makers behind the scenes to come out on top is Mr. Inevitable himself, Jeb Bush. As uncomfortable and as terrifying of a prospect as it is to accept, the reality is, he is the sole runaway pawn whose path is being strategically cleared on the quest to seize the White House.
I know that his numbers
right now don't reflect what I'm saying. But I predict that over the next few months, as the campaigns of the assem- bled cast of characters begin to implode, he will ultimately be revealed as the person with the best chance of beating Mrs. In- evitable, Hillary Clinton.
It will be a historic repeat of the 1992 showdown. Only this time around the end result may swing in a different direc- tion.
Some people reading this right now may be thinking to themselves, "There's no way Jeb could beat Hillary in an open election." And they may be right. But since when have votes mattered anytime a Bush has been involved?
It isn't like this family isn't known for playing the game sideways. And, after getting away with history's biggest hi- jacking in 2000, what makes anyone think that they would- n't pull the necessary apron strings again to get a second bite at the apple?
Of course, I could be wrong and everything is exactly as it seems. But, if I'm right and Bush does ascend to the pres- idency, all I can say is that it may be wise to start preparing yourselves for the worse case scenarios because 2017-2024 (once he's in his re-election is almost a certainty) could defi- nitely be a stretch for Hell's record books.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. Anyone wishing to contact Clarence Barr can email him at: realityon-
Time To Ask Questions
ractically every Republican presidential candidate
proposes to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act, Obamacare and the Iran Nuclear Deal among other initiatives, all spearheaded by President Obama. In fact, we can’t think of a single accomplishment by President Barack Obama that the Republicans haven’t opposed. Yet, we have been unable to find any concrete or clearly articulated substi- tute plans by Republicans to replace them.
It is time, therefore, to stop the Trumpmania and ask questions as to why Republicans would want to undo leg- islation that would keep financial and banking industries from repeating the housing meltdown and economic de- pression President Obama barely managed to rescue us from.
Furthermore, why would Republicans want to snatch health insurance coverage from 16.4 million Americans who wouldn’t have any health coverage without the Af- fordable Care Act?
In addition, why would Republicans want to withdraw America’s support of the Iran Nuclear Deal without of- fering any other plausible options other than war? Cer- tainly, the 29 other countries who signed the agreement would not support America if we invaded Iran. Clearly, sanctions did not stop Iran from continuing their nuclear program.
Therefore, unless Americans begin to ask questions about sustaining our economy, keeping 16.4 million Americans healthy, and keeping America out of global war, along with other serious issues, we are headed to- ward a future that trumps no way to save our democracy.

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