Page 32 - Florida Sentinel 7-22-22
P. 32

 City Councilman Steps In To
Campaign Blitz Pays Off For
  Help Tenants
By Jodi Yonder
The opening of the Miami-Dade campaign office for Charlie Crist was wel- comed with cheers. It‘s been a while since a gubernatorial candidate has opened head- quarters anywhere. The Miami Springs office is one of three around the state that was packed with supporters excited about the campaign to beat Governor Ron De- Santis.
The former governor lives up to his reputation as a cam- paign master doing up to five counties or city stops in a few days. It's a sure bet that he will visit a Black business, barbershop, grocery store, or- ganization, or advocacy group at nearly every stop. "He might be the last nice guy left in politics," says Gads- den County Commis- sioner Brenda Holt, a powerhouse in Florida's only predominantly Black County. Holt says the community wants the former Governor to bring equality to the equation in Florida. "I'm a former schoolteacher and I'm con- cerned that we can’t tell the truth about Black history. Black history is American his- tory. Even the courts say we’re being targeted. The governor has eliminated a woman’s right to choose, Al Lawson’s congressional dis- trict, and it’s harder to vote.
Mercedes Jones, Resident of Timberfalls Apartments.
Charlie Crist joins Tangela Sears at the Parents of Mur- dered Children dinner in Miami. Sears is the founder of the Florida organization. Her son was killed in Tallahassee.
On July 6, 2022, Mer- cedes Jones received unex- pected news that she was being evicted for non-pay- ment of rent.
Jones was one of many residents that received no- tices due to an accounting error at Timberfalls Apart- ments.
Tampa City Council- man Luis Viera set up a meeting with RMI and the tenants where the the error was noted.
In May of 2022, RMI took over management of the trou- bled complex. Viera said he had been dealing with prob- lems related to Timberfalls for a year and a half. Those is-
sues include pests, trash, and mold issues.
RMI has not issued a pub- lic statement at press time.
We died of COVID at a higher rate than anybody else and we were ignored," Holt says.
In Januar, Holt adorned the county courthouse lawn with more 200 red, white, and blue flags memorializing the Gadsden County citizens who succumbed to COVID- 19. Charlie Crist joined her.
Being kind doesn’t cost anything, but being cruel does, according to Crist. “I’m campaigning hard to let peo- ple know I believe in a Florida for all. I also know we’ve got to beat this guy. His adminis- tration has been a nightmare. He’s a bully and just a bad guy. All people need to be
treated with respect and de- cency.”
While DeSantis’ contro- versial mandates are particu- larly disturbing to Blacks, apparently other Floridians are weary of the dictates ac- cording to respected Repub- lican pollster Tony Fabrizio. His recent poll has Crist leading DeSantis by a point and another GOP poll has Crist by 2.
Crist’s has an extraordi- nary name recognition of 92% and high positive num- bers. That enviable status does not stop him from reaching out to Floridians, a sharp contrast to Governor Ron DeSantis.
Candidate For Governor Charlie Crist

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