Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 11-17-15 Edition
P. 6
Enlistees With Ties To Tampa Bay Complete Basic Training
As the holiday season is approaching, this quick reference guide will help residents plan ahead to recycle the usual containers, cans, and cardboard boxes, and provide tips on what to do with those unique hol- iday items. Recycling and disposal options for Hillsborough County Solid Waste customers are available at or by calling (813) 272-5680.
Holiday Curbside Collection Changes
No curbside collection of trash, recycling, or yard waste Thursday, Nov. 26; No curbside collection of trash, recycling, or yard waste Friday, Dec. 25; No curbside collection of trash or yard waste Friday, Jan. 1; Normally scheduled recycling collection will occur Friday, Jan. 1; and No makeup collection days for the holidays.
Solid Waste Facility Holiday Closures
All Hillsborough County solid waste facilities, including Community Collection Centers, yard and wood waste, transfer stations, resource re- covery, and the Southeast County landfill, will be closed Thursday, Nov. 26; Friday, Dec. 25; and Friday, Jan. 1.
Recycling Food And Beverage Containers In Blue Curbside Cart
Recyclable food and beverage containers should be emptied and rinsed before placing them loose in the blue recycling cart.
Plastic bottle and containers No. 1-7; Aluminum, tin, and steel cans; Cartons, such as those for soy milk, juice boxes, chicken broth, etc.; Glass bottles and jars; and Plastic bags, film, or shrink wrap are NOT recyclable in the cart.
Recycling Paper And Cardboard In The Blue Curbside Cart
Place all items loose in the blue recycling cart. Any paper that is clean and easily tears; Newspaper, office paper, junk mail, paperback books, magazines, etc.; Flattened cardboard boxes; Paperboard food boxes, cereal boxes, and paper towel rolls; Greeting cards and wrapping paper, as long as it is free of ribbons, foil, and other non-paper items; and Gift bags, tissue paper, ribbons, and bows are NOT recyclable in the cart.
Recycling Electronics
Items containing a digital display or circuit board, including televi- sions, computers, laptops, mobile devices, stereo equipment, gaming consoles, VCR/DVD players and printers, may be safely recycled at any of the Community Collection Centers for no additional fee.
Small bathroom and kitchen appliances such as toasters, crock pots, electric skillets, blenders, hair dryers, and curling irons may be dis- carded in your gray garbage cart.
Recycling Live Christmas Trees
Curbside pickup of live Christmas trees is available by following these steps: Remove all decorations, lights, and tinsel; Cut the tree into sections no larger than 4-feet long and 6-inches in diameter; Place curbside on your regular yard waste collection day; Drop off live trees at one of the following Yard Waste Processing Facilities, after removing all decorations, lights, and tinsel: 346 Falkenburg Road in Tampa; 13001 U.S. 41 in Gibsonton; or 8001 W. Linebaugh Ave. in Tampa.
Tips For Other Items
Styrofoam packing materials can be disposed of in the gray garbage cart or dropped off for recycling at the Dart Container Corp. facility, 4610 Airport Road in Plant City. Styrofoam food trays and egg cartons can be recycled at most local supermarkets in special bins.
Oversized and large volumes of flattened cardboard boxes may be recycled at any of the Community Collection Centers for no additional fee.
Used household cooking oil may be recycled at the County’s House- hold Hazardous Waste Collection Centers or at any CORE station for no additional fee. Visit for loca- tions.
Plastic bags and film can be recycled at most local supermarkets in special bins. Loose and soiled bags and film should be placed in the trash cart.
Strings of holiday lights may be safely disposed of in the gray garbage cart or recycled as electronics at any of the Community Collection Cen- ters for no additional fee.
Pre-lit and artificial trees should be discarded as trash.
Holiday decorations and ornaments should be discarded as trash. Excess trash that will not fit in the gray garbage cart may be disposed
of at any of the Community Collection Centers when accompanied by a copy of the resident’s Hillsborough County Tax Bill. Fees may apply for food waste.
Complete details on Hillsborough County Solid Waste facility loca- tions, hours, and disposal guidelines are available at
Curbside Collections, E-Cycling, And Other Tips For The Holidays
Two young men with ties to the Tampa Bay Area re- cently completed basic mili- tary training. Both participated in their respec- tive graduation ceremonies.
U. S. Air Force Reserve
Airman Austin P. George
graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San An- tonio-Lackland, in San Anto- nio, Texas.
Airman George com- pleted an intensive, eight- week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four cred- its toward an associate in ap- plied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force.
Airman George is the son of Amy S. and Patrick R. George, and the grand- son of Jean Conklin, all of Tampa. He is a 2015 graduate of Gaither High School, Tampa, Fla.
U. S. Air Force National Guard Airman 1st Class David Welsh graduated
from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lack- land, San Antonio, Texas. He is the son of Darlene and James Welsh of Finksg- burgh, MD, and brother of Paul Welsch of Skysville, MD. He graduated from Westminister High School in 2008 and earned a Bachelor’s degree from USF in 2012.
The airman completed an intensive, eight-week pro- gram that included training in military discipline and stud- ies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits to- ward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force.
Welsh is the son of Darlene and James Welsh, of Finksburg, Md., and brother of Paul Welsh, of Syksville, Md.
He graduated in 2008 from Westminster Senior High School, Westminster, Md., and earned a bachelor’s degree in 2012 from the Uni- versity of South Florida.
Soldiers Send Holiday Wishes
Sgt. Hansen, of Ellenton, is currently stationed in Djibouti, Africa as a member of the 2nd-
124th Infantry Regiment of the Florida National Guard.
Sgt. Hanson is sending a special holiday greeting to her family and friends.
Spc. Janelle Manning is a Tampa
native cur-
rently sta-
tioned in
Africa as
part of the
2nd 124th In-
fantry Regiment, Florida Na- tional Guards.
Spc. Manning is sending out a special Happy Holidays wishes to her family and friends.