Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 4-5-16 Edition
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Tampa Bay Leaders To Host 1st Annual Girls Summit, ‘You Deserve To Be Loved’
In an effort to combat the negative challenges amongst today’s young ladies, local leaders and entrepreneurs will come together to launch the First Annual Girls Summit, entitled “You De- serve to be Loved” on Sat- urday, April 30, 2016. Catering to girls from 6th to 12th grades, the event is from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. and takes place at Cleora Hunter Hall, located at 3000 N. 34th Street, Tampa, 33605.
The goal of the summit is to empower young ladies with tools that enhance their self-esteem and teach effec- tive strategies in conflict res- olution, entrepreneurship, and positive social skills.
Not only is this summit geared towards reaching young ladies, but also women who are notable in their ca- reers with relatable experi- ences and similar challenges as the young girls. Many of the youth attending will come from single parent households, low income neighborhoods, or have suf- fered some form of abuse or unthinkable heartache. The
‘You Deserve to be Loved’
summit is designed to em- power and uplift these young ladies and their parents. It’s open to all ethnicities and faith-based backgrounds.
From thought-provoking panel discussions to prizes and breakout sessions, this much needed event will fea- ture classes and resources in the areas of self-esteem, con- flict resolution, workforce readiness, and will include a fun and entertainment fash- ion show. Girls will also have a chance to get makeovers and a special session for par- ents will be offered as well.
Dr. Jeffery Johnson
who is a Tampa Bay commu- nity leader, pastor, and colle- giate professor says, “The
summit is designed inten- tionally for young women to leave invigorated to achieve their dreams, accomplish their goals as well as to make lasting friendships with other like achievers.”
The 2016 Girls Summit is free event and for sponsor- ship opportunities, please see the contact information below. Current Sponsors in- clude: The Children’s Board, The Brandon Law Group, Wells Fargo, Bethesda CDC, 34th Street Church of God, and JAJJ Ministries.
For more information, contact: Jacqueline Coffie-Leeks, Co-Chair: 813.523.3450; or Belinthia Berry, Co-Chair: 813.368.3324.
Author Doesn’t Want Readers To Get Wrong Idea About Book
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
When Toni Michelle wrote her book, “Money Is the Motive,” it was not her intent to have readers think it was about tax fraud, or “the drop” as it became known.
“Tax fraud was just a tool used by one of the characters in my book, but that’s not what it was all about.
“It’s about a woman who met a man and he gave her everything she wanted and more. However the more he gave the more problems she started having. She later found out he wasn’t who she thought and even more bizarre, later she falls in love with his best friend. From there, her life just barreled out of control.”
Toni Michelle said the scenario is fictional and she wrote the book to bring atten-
tion to things that go on in day-to-day life and how sometimes things turn out not to be what they appear to be.
“The book is full of sus- pense, drama, and keeps you on the edge. I wrote it to keep readers guessing.
“I think the book is about a decision a lost woman made during a relationship, and she was empty and used money to fill the void.”
President Appoints Replacement For Retiring Centcom General
On March 22 2013, Pres- ident Barack Obama ap- pointed the first African American to lead CENTCOM, Army General Lloyd J. Austin.
When Gen. Austin an- nounced he would be retiring, President Obama selected General Joseph Votel to take his place.
General Austin had for- merly served as the U. S. Army Vice-Chief of Staff be- fore taking over to lead CENTCOM.
General Austin, 62, was the 12th commander of United States Central Command (CENTCOM), and his previ- ous assignment was the last commanding general of United States forces in Iraq, “Operation New Dawn.”
On December 6, 2012, the Pentagon announced Presi- dent Obama had nomi- nated General Austin to lead CENTCOM and his nom- ination was confirmed in March 2013.
Gen. Austin was born in Mobile, Alabama and raised in Thomasville, Georgia. He
graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point) with a Bachelor Of Science degree in June 1975. He later earned a Mas- ter’s of Arts degree in coun- selor education from Auburn University at Montgomery in 1986, and another Master’s of Arts degree in business man- agement from Webster Uni- versity in 1989.
He is a graduate of the In- fantry Officer Basic and Ad- vanced Courses, the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College and the U. S. Army War College.

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