Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 1-12-16 Edition
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East Tampa Partnership Chair Serving Second Tenure
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
The members of the East Tampa Community Revitaliza- tion Partnership, and other East Tampa leaders, decided to bring Ms. Evangeline Best back as Chair of the ETCRP.
This will be Ms. Best’s second tenure as Chair of the Partnership, and during the tenure of Essie Sims, Ms. Best maintained her activities in the ETCRP.
Entering her second tenure, Ms. Best said she credits her predecessor, Mr. Sam Kinsey, for preparing her for the position, and en- lightening her on a lot of things going on in East Tampa.
“I’m happy and blessed to be returning as Chair, and I look forward to a great rela- tionship with the ETCRP members and residents of East Tampa.
“I’m very passionate about getting our seniors recon- nected with the community, and that is an area I will be spending a lot of time on.”
Ms. Best said she’s learned a lot serving as Chair,
and she feels blessed to be able to give back to the community. “During my first tenure, I was being led by the Holy Spirit I give a lot of credit to the Board and the leaders who came before me. That legacy prepared me and in the future, we need to do more reading, watch City Council and County Commission meetings and
keep up on what’s going on.
“I will continue to advocate our “Good Neighbor Policy” with applications that will be
available at all meetings.
“As homeowners, we have a right to know what’s going
on in our neighborhood.” Ms. Best said the re- sponse has been good on wel-
coming her back, and they’ve already held some great meet- ings.
“We have people coming aboard who just want to help out. They want to be a part of taking this to another level.
“We will continue to recog- nize the committee group leaders and I’m looking for- ward to a great year.”
Ms. Best said she must give credit to East Tampa De- velopment Manager, Ed Johnson, for his presentation on the history of the East Tampa CRA.
“Everyone was impressed with the progress that’s been done. We need every East Tampa resident to be a part of our plan and success for the future. I really feel good about being able to serve again.
“This is a community vol- unteer group, and we’re all proud of our community.”
Ms. Best wants to remind everyone that their morning meetings are held at the Cyrus Greene Community Center, 2101 East Dr. MLK Boulevard, and the evening meetings will be held at the Tampa Police District III Station, 3808 North 22nd Street.
Eagle Scout To Deliver Boy Scouts Of America Report To Nation
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Each year, a select group of Boy Scouts from across the country are chosen for a special honor. Considered Extraordi- nary Scouts, these young men are tasked with the responsibil- ity of delivering the Boy Scouts of America Report to the na- tion.
When the event takes place late next month, N’Jhari Jackson, of Troop 142 of the Boy Scouts of America will be among them. The event will take place in Washington, D. C.
During the week-long trip, N’Jhari and his fellow scouts will meet with Congressional and government leaders.
The son of Ms. Lashina Lewis, N’Jhari set a fast track for himself in 2013 when he became a member of the Boys Scouts of America, Troop 142. Then, he set his sights on earning the rank of Eagle Scout and began working toward that goal.
And, the year 2015 proved to be one of accomplishments for him. He accomplished that goal in less than 2 years in Oc- tober 2015 at the age of 13.
In order to become an Eagle Scout, N’Jhari was required to earn 122 of 136 badges. In order to earn the badge, N’Jhari decided on obtaining an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and university grade First Aid Kit for his school as his major project.
Entitled “NJ’s Love To The Rescue” Eagle Scout Project, N’Jhari raised more than $2,000 to purchase the piece of equipment for his school.
Then he realized that al- though the equipment was on the premises, it was virtually useless unless the teachers and staff knew how to use it.
N’Jhari visited other schools in the New Tampa area where he lives and learned that the equipment was on the cam- puses as required by the school district. But, although the equipment was available, the teachers had not been trained on how to use it.
N’JHARI JACKSON ... Troop 142, Tampa
The young man then set about helping to get the teach- ers and staff training at his school. He was successful in obtaining a 4-hour training course for all of the teachers and staff.
He also raised more money than was needed, and ear- marked the extra funding for health and fitness equipment for his school.
And, N’Jhari continues to provide stuffed animals to hos- pitalized children through his Pajama Buddy Voyage Founda- tion.
He also accomplished other milestones during the year.
In February, he was one of two Florida students chosen as recipients of the “Prudential Spirit of Community” Award.
In October, N’Jhari was selected as the recipient of a 4- year scholarship during His- panic History Month. N’Jhari won the scholarship as a mid- dle school student for an essay he submitted in the statewide contest.
In May, he was chosen as one of four students to partici- pate in the Arlington Cemetery Wreath Laying Ceremony.
And, in November, he was chosen as a Community Hero by the Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation.
Now, an 8th grade student at Paideia School of Tampa Bay, N’Jhari is enrolled in online high school classes and plans to graduate early. He recently made the Junior Olympic Swimming trials and is also very active as a member of Men of Vision social club as well.
Police Having Roll Call At Fair Oaks Center
On January 12th at 7 p. m., Tampa Police Department’s District III command and staff will be having roll call at the Fair Oaks Community Center on 34th Street.
As an effort to get more residents involved, the Fair Oaks Crime Watch Group has partnered with TECO for free giveaways during the roll call.
Everyone in the Fair Oaks area is asked to attend.

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