Page 26 - Florida Sentinel 2-19-16 Edition
P. 26
Activist, 11, To Be Honored At International Pretty Brown Girl Day
Entrepreneur Has Designed New Easy On High Top Sneaker
BUCKINGHAM, VA --- Around 1 p.m. Saturday, Vir- ginia police got a call claiming that 19-year-old Dyzhawn Perkins, was going wild in- side a Solo Mart store in Scottsville. According to po- lice Perkins was knocking over shelves and reportedly at- tacked an elderly couple.
Perkins reportedly fled the store and was found by two Buckingham County sheriff's deputies at his home a short time later. Police claim that the teen dove through a plate- glass window and began at- tacking an officer. That's when the other officer reportedly fa- tally shot Perkins.
That story, for many who knew Perkins, a senior and all-state offensive lineman at Buckingham County High School, is difficult to digest. Family members say that Perkins was a "good kid"
Dyzhawn Perkins was a top ranked high school offensive lineman.
with a 3.0 GPA.
According to the news sta-
tion, investigators are review- ing the shooting and noted that there is no timeline set for when the investigation will be complete. The officer who was allegedly attacked by Perkins was treated a local hospital for minor injuries.
SuRu brand owner, Baba Afolabi has designed easy on high top sneaker.
OAKLAND, CA — Sneaker lovers looking for the next cool unisex sneaker now have an in- credible opportunity to con- tribute to a new Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of the SuRu Unlace Sneaker.
The SuRu Unlace Sneaker is designed for efficiency, comfort and functionality, without com- promising quality and style. It is made from soft, high quality nappa leather and features a vul- canized rubber sole. Comfort is further optimized with a super plush cloth lining. Getting into the shoes is effortless. It features a YKK metal zipper back closure, facilitating easy on and off with- out ever touching the strong, flexible laces.
SuRu Unlace Sneaker is the brainchild of apparel designer and owner of the SuRu brand, Baba Afolabi. For years SuRu has been producing quality clothing and has developed a loyal customer base. The SuRu Unlace Sneaker is a strategic move to increase the company’s product offerings.
Questions Loom About Police Shooting Of High School Football Player
ATLANTA, GA — 11-year-old activist, Marley Dias, will be honored with the “Dream Big Award” on Saturday, Feb. 27, at the fifth annual 2016 Inter- national Pretty Brown Girl Day celebration at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.
Frustrated with the lack of diversity in the books that she was assigned to read at school, 11-year-old Marley Dias con- ceptualized the project to col- lect 1000 books where Black girls are the main characters.
Marley’s campaign, #1000BlackGirlBooks, has not only inspired others, but has grown into a Social Movement. In three short weeks, Marley
has collected over 1,000 books and gained international media attention.
Sheri Crawley, Founder of Pretty Brown Girl, states, “We are so proud to honor Marley with our Dream Big Award for taking such a powerful stance, as her actions not only reflect her beliefs, but also represents hundreds of thousands of girls of color around the globe.
International Pretty Brown Girl Day embodies the mission of the Pretty Brown Girl Move- ment. Pretty Brown Girl Day is a day of camaraderie, for girls of all ages to have fun, bond with others and reflect on their inner beauty.
Rookie Cop That Shot Man In New York Stairwell
Found Guilty; Partner Fired
Parents Of Jackie Robinson West Little League File Suit Against League, ESPN And Stephen Smith
Ohio Cop Placed On Leave After Comment About Suicide Of Black Lives Matter Activist
FAIR- BORN, OH --- A Fair- born, Ohio, police offi- cer is on paid admin- istrative leave after allegedly making a
Facebook comment that cele- brated the suicide of Black Lives Matter ac- tivist, Mar- Shawn McCarrel II.
Black Lives Matter activist MarShawn Mc- Carrel, II, 23, killed himself on the steps of the Ohio State- house last Mon- day.
The comment, which read "Love a happy ending," was made on the Ohio Politics Face- book page two days after Mc- Carrel killed himself on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse on last Monday.
If Cyr is found to be responsi- ble for the post, it would put him in violation of the department's social media policy. The Police Department also released a statement saying that it will be taking the issue seriously.
The comment has since been removed, but according to re- ports, it was just one of many that celebrated the 23-year-old's death.
Other comments included "One less to worry about" and "One down, many more to go."
Akai Gurley died
after rookie officer Peter Liang fired his gun in a dark stairwell. Liang and his partner, Shaun Landau were both fired.
NEW YORK CITY -- Rookie NYPD officer Peter Liang, who gunned down unarmed Akai Gurley in the darkened stairwell of a Brooklyn public housing project, was found guilty of manslaughter last Thursday, reports the New York Daily News.
Liang faces up to 15 years in prison when he is sentenced later this year. News of the verdict spread rapidly across social media mostly because it represents a shift in court de- cisions in police brutality cases that usually land on the side of police.
Gurley was walking in an unlit stairwell with his friend, Melissa Butler, on Novem- ber 20, 2014 when Liang and his partner were patrolling the Pink Houses projects. Liang, a rookie at the time, testified in court that he was “startled” by noise in the stairwell and
his service weapon went off. A bullet bounced off a wall and struck Gurley in the chest.
Liang and partner Shaun Landau failed to administer care to a dying Gurley, with Liang rendered impaired by shock, according to Landau’s testimony.
The NYPD fired Landau immediately after the officer was convicted.
Landau testified during Liang's trial that Liang ra- dioed his superiors immedi- ately after the shooting, contradicting his earlier claim (and evidence) that Liang had taken 20 minutes to contact superiors.
Evidence also showed that Landau also did not immedi- ately contact authorities, and in fact argued with Liang over who should call. Liang was also fired after Thursday night's conviction.
The Little League team gained notoriety after winning a Na- tional championship and were guests of President and Mrs. Obama.
Parents of onetime Little League darlings Jackie Robin- son West of Chicago have filed a lawsuit against ESPN, on-air personality Stephen A. Smith, Little League Interna- tional and opposing coach Chris Janes, who reportedly notified the league that the West team was using ineligible players.
In 2014, the South Side-area team captivated the nation when they won a national championship, only to be stripped months later when Janes claimed that West coaches adjusted boundary maps to include players who wouldn't have been eligible to play.
The lawsuit filed by parents of Jackie Robinson West al- leges that although their for- mer coach Darold Butler
submitted the necessary paper- work to Little League Interna- tional, officials either ignored or chose not to mention the po- tential boundary issues so that the league could profit from the popularity of Jackie Robinson West.
Even after officials were in- formed of ineligible players on the Jackie Robinson West team, the team was still al- lowed to finish its season and arranged the team's visit to the White House and inclusion in the 2014 World Series in San Francisco.
Smith, is being sued for defamation after making com- ments on air suggesting that Butler knowingly falsified documents for his own per- sonal gain. Whistleblower Janes is also named in the lawsuit, which he reportedly finds "laughable.”