Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 12-15-15 Edition
P. 11

Local/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
BOLD AND THE BEAU- TIFUL - Eric and others at Forrester discuss how Ivy’s re- straining order will affect Steffy’s future at the company. Sasha’s unexpected arrival is met with mixed reactions. Steffy’s behavior puts Ivy in a sensitive position. Wyatt and Liam discuss Ivy and Steffy’s situation. Zende meets Sasha in the design office at For- rester Creations. Lt. Baker pays Liam and Steffy a visit.
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Big week coming up! Philip pressures Victor to make a bold business decision. Chad and Abigail solidify their rela- tionship with a special night to themselves. Rafe arrests Hope for murder!
Jason makes his intentions clear. Nikolas gets what he has coming to him. Dante reaches out to Lulu. Dante attempts to set someone on the straight
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) — Read between the lines. Study and practice today and tomorrow. Dig for hidden clues. Check the numbers, and follow a hunch to an unusual destination. Writing, publish- ing and networking come eas- ier. Put your ideas into words.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Your morale rises with your income over the next few days. Don’t spend it all. Pay bills first. Focus on work, and postpone travel (unless for business). Prioritize practical concerns. Rely on someone ex- perienced.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You’re more assertive and confident today and to- morrow. Don’t max out your credit cards. Prepare to launch your next adventure. Reaffirm a commitment. Patience may be required. Get others on board. Luck is on your side.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Something is coming due. Find ways to balance deadline pressure or stress. Carve out time for private med- itation and peace over the next two days. Recharge batteries and energize your spirit with nature walks, healthy food and deep rest.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Friends are a big help over the next few days. Avoid risky business. A disagreement at home sparks with light provocation. Something that looks good in theory doesn’t work in practice. Secrets are re- vealed.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Expect more responsi- bility today and tomorrow. There’s a test involved. You’re gaining respect and status. Your credit rating is on the rise, too. The more you finish, the better you look. Creative design makes the work go faster.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — The next two days are
and narrow path. Liz receives comforting and wise words from a surprising source. Johnny discovers Valerie’s Achilles Heel. Emma and Patrick discover a clue to Robin’s captors. Michael raises questions about “his” and Sabrina’s baby. Tracy’s feelings run deep.
YOUNG AND RESTLESS - Ashley reacts strongly when Victor suggests Abby and Stitch postpone their nuptials. Phyllis has it out with Jack over his plans. Billy asks Victoria for another chance. Noah and Marisa argue about Luca. Jack gets to his breaking point with Victor. Stitch comes clean with Abby about his feelings for Ashley. Nick opens up to Sharon. Ash- ley receives a visit from some- one from her past. Chelsea questions Adam about Victor. Hilary has a proposition for Devon.
good for travels and studies. Investigate new possibilities, and explore. Financial success fuels optimism. Inhibit spend- ing on stuff you don’t need. Do the homework to advance. Know what you’re talking about.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Optimism increases. Finishing a long project changes your perspective. Heed financial advice from an authority figure. Pay bills, and handle financial obligations today and tomorrow. Traffic slows. Follow the money trail. Work out details with your partner.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Spend time with an attractive person. Fun is the name of the game today and tomorrow. Do things you love together. Navi- gate a temporary setback. Long-distance communica- tions provide a solution. Imag- ination leads to a strong partnership. Share secrets.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Focus on your work today and tomorrow. Use your imag- ination. Put your artistry into the details. Your skills reflect well on you. Prepare carefully. Sift through brilliant ideas to- gether and refine the concept. Fantasy and fact clash.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Join a knowledgeable group. Do the work that nobody sees today and tomorrow. Move ahead slowly. Provide sweat equity for future rewards. Visit a place that lightens your spirit. Bring your sweetheart. Share a verse of poetry.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Improve household communications. Focus on home and family for the next few days. Someone needs to be heard, and they may not ex- press themselves graciously. Listen generously, and don’t respond immediately. Some- times silence is best.
The residents in the Tampa Park Apartments Complex were treated to a sumptuous Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. Assisting with distributing the meals were: Tampa Park Apartment manager, Yolanda Anthony, Christine Irvin and Tabatha Coley.
Girls Raised in the South (GRITS) hosted a Valentine’s Dance on the USF campus. Some of the members in attendance were: (seated) CaSandra and Marilyn Washington; and (standing) Donna Douglas, Patricia Williams and Sheila Russ.
Pictured left to right are: Fontaine Marion, Carla White and Carolyn Hill. These lovely ladies, as well as a host of other enthusiastic individuals were in attendance at the Educators For Change Forum that was held at Middleton High School.
Middelton High School Principal Owen Young (left), who hosted The Male Forum is shown with Dr. Lewis Brinson, Asst. Superintendent of Administration, Hillsborough County School District, the founder and organizer for Educators For Change.

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