Page 23 - Florida Sentinel 6-24-22
P. 23
The black community comes with a plethora of dif- ferent myths that get taken to the grave with full belief. You have probably heard them all. “Black people can’t get lice”, or “Black people can’t get sun- burn.
Many of these myths are myths not only because they haven’t been researched, but also because they have been proven wrong. Some of these myths can leave you in a world of trouble if they are ignored.
For years, many black peo- ple truly believed that they don’t need sunscreen and that they won’t get sunburnt.
There are still some light precautions you can take to make sure that you take care of your skin while sitting in the sun. Protecting your skin goes beyond your face, arms or back.
Any part of your skin that can be exposed to the sun is subject to being sunburnt. Lit- erally from head to toe can be a victim of too much sun. The scalp can be very sensitive for those who are thinning or completely bald on top of their head. The top of your head is the first place the sun will hit with all of its rays.
Try A Scalp Massage
Some people say that rub- bing a bald head brings good luck. That may or may not be true, but what we do know is that stimulating your scalp promotes good blood flow and encourages healthy hair growth.
Here’s how to do it: Start- ing with all 10 fingertips on your head, apply gentle pres-
sure and move your fingers around your scalp, working from your forehead, to the crown of your head, and down to your neck. It’s easy to do on your own — or you could try convincing a loved one that rubbing your bald head will bring them good fortune.
Stock Up On Shampoo And Conditioner
Those tiny hairs on your head may be hard to see, but they still need some love! Oils and dirt can build up on a bald scalp, so be sure to use a dab of shampoo when you shower and follow up with a moistur- izing conditioner to keep that head flake-free.
And while soap or body wash may seem like an easy option, they can have a drying effect. It’s best to stick with products made for hair.
Sunscreen (What Kind?)
One of the best ways to pro- tect your skin in the summer- time is to, of course, put sunscreen on. But then the question becomes what kind?
Make sure that the sun- screen is at least SPF 30 or higher. Be sure to pay attention
to spots around your ears and your neck area. Do these things and you should be in some good shape!
Keep A Head Covering Close
Someone with thinning or bald hair has a higher risk of developing some skin cancers
like squamous cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinomas.
Although these types of skin cancers may not be that dangerous, it’s important to keep them whether you have hair or not. The easiest way to protect yourself would be to just simply stay out of the sun.
Now that you have your hat and your sunscreen, one more efficient way to protect your scalp is to find some shade. Try to spend as much time in the shade as possible.
Simply sitting under a tree can reduce your UVR expo- sure up to 75% percent.