Page 26 - 6-19-15 Friday's Edition
P. 26

Men’s Health
Healthy Habits Of Men With Diabetes
5 Skincare Tips For Men
Here are 5 ways to keep your skin soft and smooth:
1. Invest In The Good Stuff.
If you’re using a cheap disposable razor, please stop. Purchasing a quality razor can last you a rela- tively long time and save you money in the long run if you take good care of it, of course. Also, consider buying a razor that best suits your skin type and how thick and coarse your facial hair is be- cause the hair on your body is thicker and coarser than the hair on your head. One last bit of ad- vice: Don’t choose a razor with too many blades in order to avoid in- grown hairs and inflammation.
2. Cleanse First. A great cleanser should always be a part of your everyday skincare routine.
3. Get Rid Of Dead Skin.
How do you do that exactly? You exfoliate. Yes, our skin exfoliates naturally on its own, but some- times, we need a little extra boost to really get beneath the skin. Not to worry, you only need to use an exfoliator 2-3 times a week.
4. Moisturize. Do you re- member the saying, “Real men wear pink” from a few years ago? Well, how about real men mois- turize? Gold Bond Ultimate Men’s Essential Lotion is great because you can use it all over your face, hands and body. Score!
5. Don’t Skip The Sun- screen. Most Black men don’t think they need sunscreen, but it is needed to protect their skin, too! You’ll need to pick a sun- screen that works well with your skin type and lifestyle.
The Best 5 Supplements For Men
Here are a few ways to live healthier with the disease that affects nearly five million African Americans, according to the journal Clinical Diabetes.
1. Cut Back On Sweets.
When you’re craving something sweet, reach for fruit or yogurt instead.
2. Get Moving. Regular exercise helps the body use up the excess glucose in the blood stream thereby keeping the glu- cose level within normal limits.
The excess glucose would otherwise be stored in the liver and fat cells under the skin.
3. Increase Your Water Intake. Do whatever it takes to drink more water. Carry your water bottle with you every- where so you won’t be tempted to grab a soda when those crav- ings kick in. Also, open your re- frigerator and get rid of every sugary drink in sight.
Increasing your intake of water can help with urinary excretion of the excess sugar.
Note: Good blood pressure readings in non-diabetics is less than 140/90mmhg. For diabet- ics, your blood pressure should be <130/80mmhg. Good glycemic control in diabetics is an A1C of less than seven. Good total cholesterol control in dia- betics would be less than 200mg/dl and LDL (bad cho- lesterol) should be less than 100mg/dl.
Here’s a look at the top 5 sup- plements for men.
1. Vitamin D - Problem: Bone Weakness
Vitamin D is a hormone that helps your bones absorb cal- cium. That’s a critical benefit, but there’s also a steady stream of other compelling reasons to take it. For instance, Vitamin D has been linked to reduced lev- els of depression, reduced risk of colorectal cancer, and less chance of a heart attack.
Dose: 1,000 IU Vitamin D/day.
Natural Sources: Sun- shine and fortified milk.
2. Fish Oil – Problem: Heart disease
Loaded with the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, fish oil can reduce triglyc- erides, boost HDL cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. But your heart isn’t the only benefi- ciary: The healthy fats may also reduce inflammation and im- prove cognitive performance, and may lower your risk of colon and prostate cancers.
Dose: At least 500 mg DHA and 500 mg EPA daily.
Natural Sources: Salmon, tuna, or other fatty fish.
3. Magnesium - Problem: Migraines
A drop in magnesium can be a major headache. Blood vessels in your brain constrict, and re- ceptors in the feel-good chemi- cal serotonin malfunction. Result: a migraine. The mineral also might help regulate blood pressure and could ward off stroke and diabetes.
Dose: 250 mg/day, plus the magnesium in your diet. Natural Sources: Leafy greens, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, coffee and nuts.
4. Psyllium Husk -
Problem: Diabetes
This fiber is more than a colon clearer. In a recent Finnish study, the addition of psyllium to meals reduced par- ticipants’ blood sugar and in- sulin response. Paired with protein, it was also shown to suppress ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry. Psyl- lium is one of five soluble fibers approved by the FDA for lower- ing LDL cholesterol.
Dose: 20 to 35 g/day, di- vided and taken with at least 8 oz liquid.
Natural Sources: Some fortified cereal grains.
5. Probiotics - Problem: Upset Stomach
Probiotics are healthy bacte- ria that crowd out the disease- causing bad bacteria in your gut. Some can reduce diarrhea caused by certain infections, an- tibiotics, chemotherapy, and ir- ritable bowel syndrome. The encapsulated good guys may also boost your immune func- tion.
Dose: 1 capsule (with at least 1 billion bacteria) a day.
Natural Sources: Yogurt, kefir, and other dairy products.

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