Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 2-12-21
P. 19

    Answers on page 11-B
  Soap Opera Spoilers It’s Puzzle Time
    General Hospital: When put on the defensive, Nina pleads her case. Carly and Joss — so recently rocked by the “death” of Sonny — are going to pay a visit to the grave of another lost loved one, Morgan.
 Lenny proves himself to be a friend when someone needs him in their corner. As Alexis continues down the long road that will be her recovery, she makes a major step by coming clean.
Lesley takes a stand and Portia finds herself worrying that Cyrus might have a bit too much influence over the decisions being made by chief-of- staff Britt. Nina hopes that Jordan will be able to help her. Valentin can’t help but think that recent events might pave the way for him to have a sec- ond chance.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Still struggling with how to move forward in the wake of Liam’s latest transgression, Hope puts her husband on the spot about Steffy’s unborn baby.
Eager to regain trust, Thomas holds himself accountable to Ridge and Brooke. On the heels of a revealing conversation with her husband about his errant ways, Hope reaches a difficult decision about her future with Liam.
Emotions run high as, separately, Finn and Liam grapple with what comes next. Dr. Bridget Forrester returns to visit her mother, Brooke. It sounds like the honeymoon is over before the wedding even takes place as a disillusioned Carter demands answers from Zoe and Zende. Eva, the For- rester International publicist, gets to work with Katie and Paris.
The Young & The Restless: Victor was sorely disappointed when Adam’s shooting didn’t land him in the slammer for good. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Kyle finds that he has no other choice but to make a confession to Summer. Devon and Amanda’s evening takes an unexpected turn.
Diving back into familiar waters, Nick offers his support to Chelsea in her time of need. Tensions are high between Sharon and her husband, Rey. After being rejected and left heartbroken, Amanda was prepared to turn her back on her birth family for good. Mariah prepares for her new journey.
Days Of Our Lives: Gabi came to town determined to reclaim Jake... who made it clear that he is otherwise occupied. Brady needs help with his recovery, Chloe volunteers to lend a hand. Laura and Gwen face off.
Ivan decides it’s time to let Vivian in on the truth, while Lani and Eli desperately search for a way out of their predicament. Abigail finally agrees to move back into the DiMera mansion.
Jake and Kate are in for a shock when they learn that his mom — aka her nemesis, Vivian — isn’t nearly as dead as they’d believed. Lani and Eli are reunited with their children and can bring the babies home.
It seems like old times as Kate sets out to thwart one of longtime rival Vivian’s schemes. This time, however, Kate has a secret weapon in Jake! Ava knows that son Charlie is dangerous.
   Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): This is a day might feel a bit other- worldly or as if you're caught in an episode of the Twilight Zone. (Can you the music?). Do-dee-do-dee, do-dee-do-dee. Rain yourself in. With so many planets in your sign right now you're powerful! Nevertheless, this is a poor day to act or make important decisions. Cool your jets.
 Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): This is a good day for a heart-to-heart talk with a friend because both of you will be ready to let your hair down and tell it like it is. However, it's a poor day to agree to anything important. Also, it's a poor day to spend your money on anything other than food.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Most of today is a Moon Alert, which means avoid making important decisions and avoid spending money on anything other than food and gas. Don't volunteer for anything when talking to bosses and parents.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): People notice you now and you look good! (The Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering light.). However, most of this day is a Moon Alert. Therefore, don't volunteer for things and don't suggest important things. Don't shop.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Be careful because the Moon Alert is in one of your Money Houses. Therefore, postpone important decisions about inheritances, shared property and insurance matters. Do your homework but wait until tomorrow to act.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Most of the day is a Moon Alert that is taking place directly opposite your sign. Actually, this will promote easy- going, lighthearted discussions with others where you might love to explore far-out ideas. But wait until it's over to agree to anything.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Your efficiency might suffer today because you feel indecisive. Don't worry this is due to the loosey-goosey influence of today's Moon Alert. Carry on as usual. Postpone important decisions for tomorrow. Restrict spending to food.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Although a Moon Alert is a poor time for serious work and important decisions, it's an excellent time for creative activity because your mind is thinking outside of the box. Therefore, this is a creative day! Explore creative, artistic ideas! Write them down.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Family discussions might be circular and vague because most of today is a Moon Alert. Agree to nothing important today. Restrict your spending to food and gas. It's okay to explore ideas but table everything until the Moon Alert is over.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): There's a curious influence today that makes you want to discuss things with others - in a frank way - and yet, it's a poor day to agree to anything. (It's a Moon Alert.). Therefore, enjoy these discussions but do not act. Wait until the Moon Alert is over.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Do be careful because today the Moon Alert is taking place in your major Money House. This means you're tempted to make financial decisions. You are also tempted to shop and buy things, big or small. However, resist the search. Wait until the Moon Alert is over before you spend your money.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be careful because the Moon Alert (for most of this day), is taking place in your sign. This is why you feel a bit vague or indecisive and not quite sure what to do next. On the other hand, it's a good time to relax and socialize with others. Postpone financial decisions or shopping until after it is over.

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