Page 22 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
P. 22

  Polk County News Letters To Editor
 2022 Florida A&M University National Convention
Working Towards Success
   Education is always changing to bet- ter accommodate students’ academic needs in schools. Students with Special Education needs face challenges, aca- demically, independently and emotion- ally in the classroom setting. Following a student’s Individual Education Plan is extremity important, but is also vital for parents to encourage their children and educators to push their students to achieve academic excellence.
Because one day, all students, includ- ing students with learning disabilities will graduate from high school. More importantly, it is imperative students have a career path, vocational or an in- stitution of higher education, to attend immediately after graduation.
The National Center for Education Statistics stated, “In 2020-2021, there is
a total of 7.2 million, or 15 percent of students between the ages of 3 and 21, receiving special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that attend public schools. From Pre-K to 12th Grade, let’s push our students to achieve the highest level of learning possible.
Parents, families, friends, mentors, and community partners, we are the vil- lage that support our students on this educational journey. We celebrate huge milestones of high school graduation, but let’s make sure we continue to sup- port and encourage good decision-mak- ing with our students to be productive and positive contributors to our com- munity and greater society.
DR. SHANDALE TERRELL Lakeland, Florida
   Attorney Daryl Parks and Florida A&M University National Alumni Association Government Relations Committee Member, Dr. Shandale Terrell, at the Florida A&M University, National Alumni Associa- tion Distinguished Alumni Awards Black Tie Gala in Tallahassee, Florida.
  The American Flags Flying Half-Staff
 My heart cringes, thinking about the last two months of gun violence and mass shootings. These sad and horrific events happen at: schools, shopping centers, hospitals, and public events. How many innocent victims need to be slain before there is legislation in place, or an order to cease the use of military- grade firearms used by unlicensed citi- zens? How many more times will we fly the American flag at half-staff in memo- rial to victims of a mass shooting event?
I reviewed a recent article where a state legislator held up his own hand- gun and stated, “The Democrats are try- ing to take your gun rights away.” This is far from the truth. In this day and time, I strongly believe it is necessary to protect yourself and your home. I, my- self plan to complete the appropriate requirements to obtain a license to carry a firearm soon, so political affili- ation has nothing to do with it.
The Washington Post records 163 mass shootings in the United States from 1967 to 2019. Between the years of 2021 and 2022, there have been 232
mass shootings in the United States. Cit- izens, again, I have a strong belief, there is no Democrat nor Republican legisla- tor trying to take your gun rights away, but having a Smith & Wesson M&P-15 semi-automatic rifle or a AR-15 style rifle is questionable when in possession by civilians, unless he or she is duly and properly trained for such weapons, pri- marily those in the military or law en- forcement organizations.
State and national lawmakers, De- mocrats and Republicans, must work together to find and enact appropriate legal protocols and laws to end the reck- less possession of such firearms. A thorough review and revision of poli- cies is most needed now. Properly re- vised gun control could decrease the growing gun violence by mass shooting incidents and save innocent lives. It is imperative we make America Safe Again.
[Dr. Shandale Terrell is an Educator for Polk County Public Schools, a Civic Leader in Lakeland, Polk County and the State of Florida]
  From left to right: Florida A&M University Web Master and Vice President-Elect for Tampa Chapter, Laketra Claiborne; Florida A&M University National Alumni Association Government Relations Committee Chair and Florida A&M University past President of the National Alumni Association, Dr. Carolyn Collins; Florida A&M University National Alumni Association Tampa Chapter Vice President and President Elect, Paula Goodman and Florida A&M University National Alumni Association Assistant Secretary Elect and Florida A&M University Government Relations Com- mittee Chair for Tampa Chapter, Kimberly Blount.

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