Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 11-14-17
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   Our Military Men & Women
First Black Female Achieves Rank Of Chief Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer-5 Valencia Simmons- Fowler is the first African America woman to achieve the highest chief warrant of- ficer rank in the Information Warfare Community. The historic promotion took place November 3rd.
A native of Chicago, Illi- nois, CWO-5 Simmons- Fowler launched her career in the U. S. Navy in 1988, at the Recruit Training Com- mand, in Orlando. She at- tended Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR) “A” School where she achieved the notable accom- plishment of honor graduate.
As her list of successes continued, CWO-5 Sim- mons-Fowler earned the title of Chief Petty Officer in September 2001 while serv- ing aboard USS Bataan (LHD
5). Later, during her tour at Naval Security Group Activ- ity in Norfolk, Virginia, she was selected for the CWO program in 2003, beginning her life as a Chief Warrant Officer.
“This was my goal since the beginning of my career. I
have always strived for the next level, the pinnacle pro- fession, and I earned it,” CWO-5 Simmons-Fowler said.
“You have a lot of leaders out there. When it comes to Chief Warrant Officers, we are supposed to be the tech- nical experts. So when the commanding officer needs someone to give him feed- back on a system, they are going to find the warrant of- ficers, because they will tell them what they need to know, not what they want to hear.
“With every successful leader there is always a great team of Sailors that are hard- working, hard-charging and dedicated to completing the mission. Those are the peo- ple doing the work to make sure we succeed as a team,” she said.
More Seniors On The Path To Graduation In
 Hillsborough County Public Schools
   Through a new effort launched this year, 750 more seniors in Hillsborough County Public Schools are now on track to gradu- ate after earning a crucial reading score on the SAT.
On October 11, the district offered a free opportunity to take the SAT during the school day, allowing seniors who had not yet met reading benchmarks for the FSA to take the SAT in school during the fall semester for the first time ever. The results are back and 750 seniors earned what the state calls “concordant scores,” which guarantee their reading scores are high enough to earn a diploma, regardless of how they do on future state tests.
Hillsborough County Public Schools has a bold goal of reach- ing a 90% graduation rate by the year 2020. The most recent graduation rate (2015-2016) for Hillsborough County Public Schools increased to 79.1%, a 3-percentage point increase over the prior year.
Since Superintendent Jeff Eakins took the helm of Hills- borough County Public Schools, the graduation rate has contin- ued to increase from 73.5% in 2013-2014, to 76% in 2014-2015 and now 79.1% in 2015-2016.
“I congratulate our seniors for achieving this next step to earning their diploma. Our teachers and staff at our schools and across the district are ensuring all students have opportunities to succeed. Earning a high school diploma will be life changing for these students,” said Superintendent Eakins.
 Members Needed For
Community Advisory
The City of Tampa is currently seeking individuals who want to serve on community advisory committees. There are openings on several committees.
The committees include: the Central Park, Channel District, Downtown, Drew Park, East Tampa, and Tampa Heights River- front CRA Community Advisory Committees.
The purpose of the Community Advisory Committees is to in- sure that the interests of residents, property owners, businesses, and other stakeholders in the area are represented in key deci- sions. Community Advisory Committees provide input and make recommendations to the City staff and the Community Redevel- opment Agency concerning their respective areas.
Anyone interested in serving on one of the committees must live or work in one of the redevelopment areas or have significant interests within the area. Individuals with a background or ex- pertise in the redevelopment process, such as neighborhood planning, real estate development, or real estate finance are also being sought.
The positions on the various committees are voluntary and individuals who are appointed serve without compensation.
All applications must be received by the City Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m., on Monday, December 4, 2017.
The application package is available and can be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office, 315 E. Kennedy Blvd., 3rd Floor. Applica- tions can also be obtained on line by visiting the webpage at
    Five Enlistees Complete Basic Military Training
Five individuals with ties to the Tampa Bay Area have com- pleted all requirements in Basic Military Training in the U. S. Air Force. They each par- ticipated in their respective graduation ceremonies at the Joint Base San Antonio-Lack- lansd, in San Antonio, Texas.
Airman 1st Class Ja- lene A. De Maria, Airman Raul Garcia, Airman 1st Class Shaquille R. Mandy, Reserve Airman 1st Class Paola Nevarez-Cabrera, and Airman Tatyana M. Wright completed an inten- sive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fit- ness, and basic warfare princi- ples and skills. Each enlistee earned four credits toward an Associate in Applied Science Degree through the Commu- nity College of the Air Force.
A 2017 graduate of Gaither High School, Airman 1st Class De Maria is the daugh- ter of Anthony D. and Julissa E. De Maria, of Tampa.
Airman Garcia is the son of Haysha Garcia, of Tampa. He is also the brother of George Garcia.
He graduated from Whar- ton High School in 2017.
Airman 1st Class Mandy graduated from Jef- ferson High School in 2014. He continued his education at Tal- lahassee Community College, where he earned an Associate Degree in 2017.
The family of Airman 1st Class Mandy includes par- ents, Karla Henderson and Shawn Thomas, and broth- ers, Deion J. Henderson and Akikya Henderson, all of Tampa.
Reserve Airman 1st
Class Nevarez-Cabrera is the daughter of Carlos Nevarez and Claribel Cabr- era of Orlando. Her brothers are Carlos Nevarez and Javier Nevarez, both of Tampa.
Reserve Airman 1st Class Nevarez-Cabrera graduated from Freedom High School, Orlando, in 2012, and contin- ued her education at the Uni- versity of South Florida, where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in 2016.
Airman Wright is the daughter of Latoya D. Hair- ston, of Tampa, and Darrick E. Wright, of Fort Laud- erdale. She is the sister of Rekayial K. Crum, and granddaughter of Ethel R. Palmore, both of Tampa.
She graduated from George Washington Carver High School, in Birmingham, AL in 2014.

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