Page 8 - 8-4-15 Tuesday's Edition Updated
P. 8

All About You!
Happy Birthday, Mother
Seffner Woman Appointed National Chairman Of NFW At Convention
Recently, members of the Temple Terrace Auxiliary #10140 participated in the 102nd National Convention of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United States. The Convention took place at the David L. Lawrence Con- vention Center, in Pittsburgh, PA. The Convention was held July 18th through July 22nd.
Ms. Lee Harris, of Seffner is a member of the Temple Terrace Auxiliary #1040, and was named the 2015-2016 National Chair- man for the 14 states in the Southern Conference on the Veterans & Family Support Program.
During the convention, Ms. Ann Panteleakos, Na- tional President, commended more than 2,000 attendees for their hard work in honor-
LEE HARRIS National Chairman, Southern Conference on the Veterans & Family Support Program
ing veterans and supporting deployed military personnel and their families. Members have spent millions of dollars and volunteer hours helping members of the military.
President Panteleakos
also gave funds to three
major cancer research cen- ters, including MD Anderson Cancer Center, as well as the Hospitalized Veterans Writ- ing Project, Camp Trotter.
Ms. Harris, along with the new National President, Ms. Francisca Guilord, who is a Life Member of Gen. John R. Noyes Auxiliary #9978, in Anchorage, Alaska, and others National Officers were sworn into office on the last day of the convention.
Other convention high- lights included the an- nouncement of the Outstanding Department Presidents in the 11 Member- ship Groups at the National President’s Dinner, the op- portunity for members to view the eight winning Young American Creative patriotic Art entries, and the Buddy Poppy displays.
Dear Mother, I just want the whole world to know I love you so. Your friend, and your son, Thaddeus, Sr.
Grandparents Support Group Hosts Youth Awareness Program
Members of T. L. C. Grandparents Support Group and their guests shown on the front row are: Helen Davis, Gladys Henderson, Earline Cohen, photographer for the organization, Constance Brown, Troylan Mills, Facilitator and President; Ms. Dimpsey, of the Hillsborough County Fire Department, Wilhelmena Jackson, and Renea Duncan. Shown on the back row are: Barbara Edward, Geneva Clark, Sylvia Darby, Treasurer, Bonnie James, and Laketa Entzminger, Student Social Worker at USF.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last month, members of T. L. C., Inc., (Tender Loving Care) Grandparents Support Group held their Youth Awareness Program. The or- ganization was created in 2005 to help grandparents and other caregivers raising children.
Mrs. Troylan Mills,
founder and facilitator of T. L. C., Inc., said, “We get in- volved with parents on a personal level --- emotional, spiritual togetherness, and areas such as this. We serve as advocates for those who
have raised their children and then find themselves raising grandchildren.”
Mrs. Mills said while caregivers may have social workers, the caregivers may not be willing to share some information with that per- son. However, when work- ing with her organization, the caregiver may feel more comfortable talking about is- sues with someone who has experienced the same thing.
Mrs. Mills said when the group also works with other agencies to obtain as- sistance for those in need of it.
A retired nurse, Mrs.
Mills said that after she stopped working she still wanted to be involved with helping people. A doctor she had worked with encour- aged her to pursue her idea of establishing the organiza- tion.
“We do a lot to help grandparents raising young children. We have classes, workshops, and take chil- dren on outings.”
Currently, she is working on obtaining a 501c3 status and accepts donations on behalf of the organization.
Currently, there are 13 grandparent caregivers and 14 grandchildren.

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